Grace Kelly and Edith Head
By BarbaraAnne:
“Jeff: The Lisa Freemont who never wears the same dress twice?
Lisa: Only because it’s expected of her.
(She does a model’s turn.)
Lisa: Right off the Paris plane, think it will sell?”
As the most copied dress… Continue reading
Helen Mirren Wears Marchesa
By BarbaraAnne:
In the grace with which her shoulders give ballet to the slightest movement of her head, her diamond earrings look unacquired. What meaning would they have without her? Radiance emanates from the nonchalant familiarity with the world’s recognition… Continue reading
Mr. Rebates Gives You FREE Stuff! And I do LOVE the FREE Stuff!
You guyz are sooooooo gonna LOVE me for this one!
I’ve been singing this site’s glories to just about everyone I know for years and it just occurred to me that I never posted about it on Style & Angst. … Continue reading
Redon in a Longlocks Bead
By BarbaraAnne:
Ooooo, this one has square beads where the colors mesh into each other. I must have them! Look at the way Susan painted the stick to bring out colors in the bead. I didn’t even notice they were… Continue reading