Introducing New LongLocks Hair Jewelry Badges!
We now have adorable LongLocks Badges for all the different LongLocks hair jewelry styles! Just grab the code to display the corresponding LongLocks Style Badge on your own website or blog for all the different styles of LongLocks HairSticks you… Continue reading
Manolo Blahnik Shoes
By BarbaraAnne:
I must have these shoes.
I was talking to a man — I know, wasting my time on inferior beings but my charity knows no bounds — anyway, he says, “You don’t need a new pair of shoes,… Continue reading
New Original LongLocks HairSticks Posted in the LongLocks Boutique!
Four new first edition Original LongLocks HairSticks designs have been posted, the Special Edition Designs page has been updated, and one “Last Chance” special order design has been posted in Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
We finally have our Chinese silk… Continue reading
Sferra Bros Millesimo Sheets
By BarbaraAnne:
How do you get to sleep? Let me count the ways: killing your parrot, who is annoying you ;-); pills; warm milk; eating turkey; staying up until you’re ready to drop; meditation; exercise so you need to rest;… Continue reading
Blinc Eyebrow Mousse – The BEST Cosmetic I Never Knew Existed!
I was recently sent a few blinc cosmetics (
) to try and this one in particular has me more excited than any cosmetic has for a very long time! It’s blinc’s Eyebrow Mousse and this stuff rocks!… Continue reading