New Review of Kate Spade Readers in Stuff I Scored: Fashion Accessories!
I just reviewed two pair of the most fabulous readers designed by Kate Spade. Check it out in Stuff I Scored: Fashion Accessories!
Filed under: Style
Jadeite and Tourmaline Beads at Sotheby’s
By BarbaraAnne:
Minute details in small pieces of jewelry amaze the mind. “How did they do that?” Conception. Design. Tools. Talent. Imagination. Work. Devotion.
Sotheby’s is having a jewelry sale in Hong Kong, which features jadeite-tourmaline beads and pendants. The… Continue reading
New Review of Amanda Rudey Earrings in Stuff I Scored!
Amanda Rudey designs beautiful jewelry, and I’m especially fond of her earrings. I’ve just reviewed her Moonbeam design in Stuff I Scored: Designer Jewelry. Check it out!
Filed under: Style
New BijouStix Hair Accessories Posted in the LongLocks Catalog!
Five new LongLocks BijouStix designs have been posted in the LongLocks catalog, one “last chance” special order design has been moved to Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow, and the Special Edition Designs page has been updated!
Today’s Tip: Have… Continue reading
Medieval Makeup
By BarbaraAnne:
Italy brought the art of cosmetics to France.
In 1190, King Philippe-Auguste created rules delegating certain colors of clothing and makeup only to upper-class women. A cosmetic maker followed the king’s decree to get his license. Makeup’s aim… Continue reading