Givenchy Does Paris, Loses Self
I’m torn on this one, I liked half of it and though I didn’t really dislike any of it, I wasn’t exactly wild about it either. I do love all the purple gowns, especially the dark royal purple with the sequined bodice, and the lavender one that follows with the uber-ruffled hem is a lot of fun.
I don’t like the new trend of wide ruffles down the sides of a dress (Chloë Sevigny wore a similar Valentino to the Golden Globes and I hated it). They put me in mind of those carnival games where you throw a softball at a stuffed “thing” with feathers around the edges meant to fool you into thinking the target is bigger than it is. The dresses accomplish the same thing, and in this case just as at the carnival, the loser is just about everyone who chooses to play the game.
In my opinion, there’s not much in this collection elegant enough to be worthy of Audrey Hepburn. They’ve lost the essence of Givenchy that we all know and love.
Filed under: Style