Loser Lauren
UPDATE: You’ll find more great commentary on this subject at Jezebel, and Lauren has apparently owned up. The much more disturbing DMCA issue still remains a question, however.
Apparently Ralph Lauren is suffering some very well deserved flak over a ridiculously photoshopped model and his ensuing attempts to legally silence those critical of the work (though I’m still wondering why no one has yet to voice objection to Lauren’s apparent need to slim down a model who is, after all, already model slim).
Lauren is apparently losing his DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) fight, thankfully. Myself being an artist whose designs, articles and original ideas are often stolen by those who are apparently so creatively challenged they are incapable of formulating synapses of their very own, I have little respect for anyone who would file a DMCA simply because he doesn’t like well-deserved criticism, a method of fair use that, unlike copyright infringement, certainly IS well within the law. Lauren’s DMCA doesn’t have any legal standing as far as I can see, and only serves to make him look even more ridiculous than the model with the “head bigger than her pelvis” already did.
I’m thinkin’ it might be time to clean out my closet and send my Lauren stuff to a vintage clothing boutique. Eyup.
Filed under: Angst
Everytime I look at this, I think I’d go even more extreme. I’m a big fan of photoshop. The darned thing is that this is not… I’m trying to think how my teachers would say it. If you’re going to ‘push the envelope” on’ an image, you can’t stop halfway.
Personally I’d also play with her face. Make that mouth a bit cupid bow-ish and smaller, her eyes bigger, and her legs even longer. And make the chin a bit pointy. Right now she looks a bit funny with her head bigger than her pelvis. (Hey, doesn’t she kinda’ look like one of those gray Roswell aliens?)
Have you heard about that French thing where France wants ads to put a photoshop touchup rating on the pictures? All fashion photos are touched up in some way, skin flaws are wiped out and teeth whitened. France wants a rating stuck on the fashion ads that would tell the consumer just how much photoshop was used on a picture.
Yes, and I LOVE the French push to do this. Then mebbe little girls will finally be able to grow up without thinking they’re *supposed* to look like something that never existed in the first place.