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Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails (Read 5020 times)

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Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Jun 21st, 2005 at 8:31pm
In every beauty article I've ever read that dealt with shampooing one's hair, it has always said to NEVER use fingernails on the scalp, but to massage gently with fingertips.  A year or two ago, I finally mastered washing my scalp with my fingerTIPS instead of my lifelong fingerNAIL habit.  My question:  how can "scritching" be any different than gently using one's fingernails?  And will it hurt my roots/hair if I massage using my fingernails?  It sure feels better...but IS it???  Why would the hair articles say not to do it?

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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #1 - Jun 21st, 2005 at 11:10pm
when my scalp itches i can scratch whole day long the gunk of my scalp with NAILS! now i really make the job easier and do an intensive scalp scrub with brown sugar  Grin
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styg. (1 b/c F/M ii)&&32"/ 36"/ 38-40"
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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #2 - Jun 22nd, 2005 at 2:30am
I always use my fingernails when I wash. Scritching dry seems to irritate my scalp, scritching wet gets rid of all the buildup.
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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #3 - Jun 25th, 2005 at 11:04pm
As long as you're careful, I don't think it matters.  Maybe the cautions started because hair is more fragile when wet and an enthusiastic scalp massage with fingernails could damage the hair.

Or it could be another load of crap from the same people who insist that cutting your hair makes it grow faster.
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #4 - Jun 29th, 2005 at 7:18am
In every beauty article I've ever read that dealt with shampooing one's hair, it has always said to NEVER use fingernails on the scalp, but to massage gently with fingertips.  A year or two ago, I finally mastered washing my scalp with my fingerTIPS instead of my lifelong fingerNAIL habit.  My question:  how can "scritching" be any different than gently using one's fingernails?  And will it hurt my roots/hair if I massage using my fingernails?  It sure feels better...but IS it???  Why would the hair articles say not to do it?

Strictly by feel I'd say the comb scritching is different because of the shape and friction of the tips.  But I think that the fingernail scritching also depends on how it's done and what shape your nails are in - using sensitivity about the whole thing I would guess that most people could do both successfully.

I use extensive horn combing scritching ('cause I'm addicted) but I also use both pads and tips for oil massage and shampoo massage - definite with care as to angle and pressure ...g
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santa barbara, ca
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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #5 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 1:27am
"Scritching" is a new term for me.  What does it mean?   Or is it just a short version of Scratching and Itching.

From experience, I don't use my nails because my skin is really sensitive.  Even if my nails are cut short, I can easily break my skin which leads to inflammation, and possibly infection.  Maybe the articles are talking more about skin care than hair care?

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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #6 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 1:59am
"Scritching" is a new term for me.  What does it mean?   Or is it just a short version of Scratching and Itching.

From experience, I don't use my nails because my skin is really sensitive.  Even if my nails are cut short, I can easily break my skin which leads to inflammation, and possibly infection.  Maybe the articles are talking more about skin care than hair care?


Yea :~) kinda like that - it's making the same approximate motion with a comb as you would if you were scratching ... we'll assume gentle, small scratching rather than the big honking gouging in the anti-itch cream commercials.

If you look at this tutorial:  http://www.hairgasm.com/horncombs/scritchycomic.htm

notice the way the comb is held - I know I sure can't use too much pressure that way and really, the tip of the comb is very different than your nail even if they are all horn ... try it with any smooth comb and you'll get the feel of the motion ...g
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« Last Edit: Jul 2nd, 2005 at 7:42am by N/A »  
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Posts: 1035
santa barbara, ca
Gender: female
Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #7 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:29pm
Aaah interesting!  Thanks for the link.  Just tried doing the motions with a regular wide tooth comb, and it seems like it would take practice.  And patience.  So how long does it take you to "scritch"?

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Re: Scritching/Shampooing with Fingernails
Reply #8 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 7:42pm
Grin I get so carried away I just keep going and going and going sometimes!

It'll feel different with a fine tooth comb too - kind of dictates the motion, you know, never force through *ow*.

I do mine on the computer, in the car (as long as I'm not driving *snork*), watching tv - I think it takes 1-2 minutes going up and back each side, so if I'm working for time at most 5 minutes.  Don't feel like you HAVE to - just do what feels good and it'll, erm, grow on you ...g
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