IMPORTANT: A subscription to the Collectors Club mailing list is required for continued membership in the LongLocks HairSticks Collectors Club. Canceling your mailing list subscription will end your Collectors Club membership and will result in forfeiture of any partially accrued credit you may have earned toward your free LongLocks Boutique gift certificate. Once this is done, it can't be undone! (Previously earned Collectors Club gift certificates are valid for one year from the date of the last qualifying purchase, regardless of your current Collectors Club membership status).
Please note this form is for unsubscribing to the LongLocks HairSticks Collectors Club mailing list only, it will not stop you from receiving LongLocksNews. LongLocksNews subcriptions are established only by subscribers and never ever by us. To unsubscribe from LongLocksNews, please follow the directions that appear in every LongLocksNews email or visit YahooGroups.
Click "Unsubscribe" to end your subscription to the LongLocks HairSticks Collectors Club mailing list and end your Collectors Club membership (please allow up to 48 hours for your membership to officially come to an end). If you've changed your mind and would like to continue receiving the club email and remain a member, click "Nah, Just Kidding!" and we'll all just make believe this never happened.