Historical Hairstyles Library |
The Historical Hairstyles and Hair in Art section of the LongLocks Library lists a collection of curated resources that cover topics useful to costume designers, students of fashion, theatre participants, makeup artists and anyone interested in the history of hair styling or how hair has been depicted by artists throughout history. Selections in the Hair History section of the LongLocks Library include such topics as biographies of stylists and salon entrepreneurs, hair styles from every conceivable historical time period, wig and headdress making, Victorian hair jewelry, and hair styles for stage and screen. Titles include "An Illustrated History of Hairstyles 1830-1930;" "Hair & Wigs for the Stage: Step by Step;" "Representations of Hair in Victorian Literature and Culture;" and "Women's Hats, Headdresses and Hairstyles: With 453 Illustrations, Medieval to Modern." |
Those seeking additional resources on the subject of historical hairstyles and related topics may find titles relevant to their interests in the Hair Styles and Styling Library and the Salon Industry Library.
If you are aware of a title within the genre of historical hair styles, hair in art, or related subjects that you feel should be included in our library, please feel free to contact us with your suggestion.
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