So! I decided that an easy way to get my hands on a nice range of hair-safe pillow cases was to make my own! At 7 to 14 dollars a yard for silk, or 4 to 8 dollars a yard for polyester, it seemed more economical to me. I know from reading here that it is generally accepted that silk and satin are the best materials to be up against your hair.
Unfortunately, my local fabric shop only seems to carry polyester based satins (no silk!

). The "silky" fabrics in a fairly wide array of what I like to term "slipperiness", "smoothness" and "softness".
So, in the range of satin available, most seem to be "smooth and soft" or "slippery, but rough". The fabrics available don't quite match any of the actual silk fabrics I have at home, smooth, soft, AND slippery.
So, given the choices, is slippery with a slightly rough weave (when you rub it together, it goes zip zop zip zop) better than smooth and soft (when you rub it together, there is no sound, but it has almost a suede-y feel, at any rate, not nearly as "slick")?
Lastly, are the only choices satin and silk? For instance, would it be bad to use velvet ribbon in your hair? Or to use velvet pillow cases?