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Trimming...when there are no split ends...really? (Read 9543 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 6
South Korea soon to be Texas
Gender: male
Trimming...when there are no split ends...really?
Jul 9th, 2009 at 8:50pm
Hello, I've been studying every inch of the longlocks sight and really like it.

I have a question:

If I have no split ends...do I have to get my hair trimmed?  It's been over a year since I've had a haircut.  I'm currently living in South Korea as an elementary school teacher.  I have four months left here before returning to Texas.  When it's time to get a trim, I'd prefer to get it done in the states as opposed to here, but everyone keeps talking about trims, and it's been so long since I've had one.  Like I said, I check frequently for splits and never find any.  I know what they look like because my mom taught me ten years ago.  This is the third time I've tried to grow my hair out in the past ten years.  I want to do it right this time.  I take really good care of it.  

Thanks for your input.

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« Last Edit: Jul 10th, 2009 at 2:39am by princeofelves »  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #1 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 12:45am

You should be getting trims every 3-6 months. Even without splits, the ends of your hair dry out and become thin and ragged looking. Fresh ends are a must for healthy hair. No way around it.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 6
South Korea soon to be Texas
Gender: male
Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #2 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 2:40am
Ok.  I will do it.  I think my girlfriend might know a safe place in Seoul to get it trimmed.  I just don't want to go in and say "half an inch", and they start cutting inches off.  It's my worst nightmare, but I'll do it.

Thank you.  Smiley
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #3 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 10:57am
Anytime. Smiley
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Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #4 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 12:24pm
Show them exactly how much you want trimmed and tell them you won't pay them if they cut more, without discussing it with you.  Don't let them turn you away from the mirror; watch what they are doing.  Good luck.

I understand how you feel.  I live in Chicago and hate the weather, but the thought of finding and breaking in a new hairdresser is one of the few things keeping me from moving.   Smiley
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 6
South Korea soon to be Texas
Gender: male
Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #5 - Jul 12th, 2009 at 9:39pm
If I have been growing it for one year with no trims, how much do I need to get trimmed?  It seems healthy, no frizz, no split ends, and they are not tapering thinner yet.  I know I have to get a trim, but I only want to to cut as little as is necessary.

Thank you,
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Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #6 - Jul 13th, 2009 at 3:30pm
If you are not trimming yourself,I suggest that you either have a trusted friend trim for you or if you have a trusted hairstylist that can trim for you.  The hairstylist can give you an opinion of how much to trim and then with your ok,can do the trim.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #7 - Jul 13th, 2009 at 5:01pm
In terms of health, cut off everything that you can see through.
Too many people just let their hair go and the ends get thin and scraggly. That' just what happens to hair after so long.

If it's been a year, you'll probably need at least 2" off...maybe 3.
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Re: Trimming...when there are no split ends...real
Reply #8 - Sep 4th, 2009 at 10:29pm
This post has been moderated.
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« Last Edit: Sep 5th, 2009 at 12:13am by Sakina »  
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