Hi! I'm new here and just a quick note I wanted to say that this is a great site! I have been looking for
a long hair site for a while and when I found LongLocks, I immediately signed up!
I am not sure if this is the right place for this topic but I wanted to ask if any of you have ever had lice
problems with your long hair and how you coped.
I had a lice problem once and my hair was long (slightly past my waist) and my aunt told me that I would
have to cut it all short to get rid of them!!
I was very upset but my WONDERFUL mother said " No" and
she sat with me for 5 hours a day for about a week, just picking out the knitts with her nails! We tried several
other methods like soaking my hair in mayonase, neem oil (which is fantastic for getting you hair very soft
and supple even though it doesn't smell the greatest), mom came up with the idea of steaming my hair with
her steam cleaner for the floor (that was funny: me laying on the ground while she steamed my hair like the
hardwood floors!).
Finally, we found that the eggs (we had killed the adults) do not like extreme heat and will break or crumble
off the strand of hair. So we got a hair straightener and it worked beautifully. By that time, mom had pretty
much gotten the majority of the eggs out but this ensured that there were none alive!
I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a lice experience and what they did about it!
Thanks for reading my post!