Hi, everyone!
I've been coming to this site for some time (mostly for the guidelines and the advice posts), but I haven't gotten around to writing an intro yet, so here goes:
My hair is light blonde, fine with probably medium density, and a slight wave. As of right now, it's armpit length. My first goal is mid-back, but I'm hoping I'll have the patience to make it to waist length or maybe a bit longer. I've cut my hair just about every way a person can cut it, including a super-short pixie (why, oh, why didn't someone talk me out of that one??), but I like the versatility of having my hair long. I started actively growing my hair about a year ago to cut and donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths or a similar organization, but this site has convinced me otherwise. Now I'm eager to get my hair as long and as healthy as I can. I expect to get some resistance, especially from my sister (who is a stylist and firmly believes that nobody should have hair extending below her armpits), but I can't help it; I'm addicted!
Since joining the Salon and learning more about long hair, I've become a HUGE fan of braiding, especially renaissance-style braiding. It keeps my hair out of the way, and my hair stays all day, even though it's layered and falls out of most other styles. I'm currently trying to train myself to crown braid on my own head--much, much more difficult than on others'.
So far my favorite addition to my hair regimen has been oiling. My hair has just recently gotten too long for my oil to reach the ends, even with a BBB, so I started using sweet almond oil on my ends a few days ago. What a difference! My ends were poofy and dry-looking. Now they lie down and behave, and it's a LOT easier to style my hair.
Just a side note: I've been so thankful for this website since I joined. Not just because I've gotten some great advice, but mainly because the people here are so friendly! Keep it up, everyone!!