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Cassia Henna (Read 6956 times)
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Cassia Henna
Feb 23rd, 2009 at 4:35pm
Hi everyone!  I'm new around here with a lots of questions:)  I'm growing my hair long and though I prefer my natural color - I've heard such wonderful things about henna.  Has anyone tried the cassia?  I know it's mentioned lightly in the 'henna 101' thread but has anyone actually used it?  Does it leave your hair the same?  Would it be healthier for my hair to leave it as is...or to henna it?  Thanks guys:)
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Re: Cassia Henna
Reply #1 - Feb 23rd, 2009 at 4:55pm
I kindof answered my own questions by doing some research.  Thank you Curlgirl for your link http://www.mehandi.com! ; Basically I learned that by mixing the cassia with water, there is no releasing the dye molecule - making it a conditioner that is wonderful for your hair.  If I want a yellow added to my already blonde hair I can mix it with lemon juice or vinegar, leave it overnight and apply etc.  Right?  I also read that it will not damage my hair, only make it stronger and healthier in time.  Is that why everyone henna's?
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Re: Cassia Henna
Reply #2 - Feb 23rd, 2009 at 9:29pm
You're welcome!  I think everyone does henna for different reasons.  It is a great conditioner!  It is also safe for your hair,provided you aren't allergic!  There are certain hennas for different achievements,if you will.  Whether you want jet black hair,have blonde hair that needs a boost or are a red head that wants some pizazz,the sky's the limit!!!
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Re: Cassia Henna
Reply #3 - Feb 23rd, 2009 at 10:15pm
Cera, I used Cassia for the first time earlier this month.  Mine was mixed w/water, sunflower oil and yogurt.  No color was deposited and it made my hair shiny and thicker feeling.  I will be using it again soon-probably about every 4 weeks.  I go to a salon and have someone apply it for me, since I have a lot of hair and want even coverage w/o super tired arms!

In April, when I'm finished with "The King and I" I"m going to try the cassia w/acid to see what result I'll get to brighten my blonde.
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