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Hairstyles for fine hair? (Read 5167 times)

Posts: 28
Gender: female
Hairstyles for fine hair?
Dec 31st, 2008 at 5:33pm
As my hair is getting longer, I'm having a lot of fun looking for pictures of hairstyles that I want to try. I really like Katie Holmes' bob, but I'm not sure if that style is going to work with my hair type. I have a LOT of hair, but the strands are very fine, making it kind of wispy. Katie's hair seems to have some weight to it. I have fairly blunt bangs right now, and they seem to just kind of wisp around instead of settling in to a style.
So, does anyone have any info on what hairstyles work best for fine/wispy hair?

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: Hairstyles for fine hair?
Reply #1 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 6:38pm
Well, LoG, I don't have your hair texture but I do have a lot of hair.  Sometimes I have to divide my hair into multiple sections to do anything with it.  I'm afraid I don't have a specific recommendation other than to experiment.  For a long time I used a lot of hair pins to create a style and then added hair sticks for decoration when my hair was too short or unruly to hold a style with sticks alone.

Good luck!!

Just had a thought-maybe you could achieve the look you want by using some gel to give your hair weight.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Hairstyles for fine hair?
Reply #2 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 7:19pm
Hmmm....the cool thing about having fine, wispy hair is that you can oil the ends to make them stick out of funky or messy styles.
    You might experiment just pinning sections here and there with bobby pins to get whatever look you want. One of my favourite styles to do when my hair was shorter was to make a low ponytail (not using any hairties or anything), twisting it, then pinning it up with 2 bobby pins crossed over each other in the shape of an X. The ends fell down or stuck out however they wanted, and I oiled them so they looked extra wispy & spiky.

The idea for this came from decades ago when my mother would twist & pin my hair up before a bath if I wasn't going to wash it. Kinda the same way you would put it up before putting a shower cap on, if that makes any sense.

Another thing you could try is making a simple bun and pinning it into place. If the ends are sticking out all over the place, that's ok. Just oil them and make it look intentional. Wink

You'll have to forgive me if these styles don't work for you. I don't remember exactly how long your hair is.
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