It's just two combs with wide spaced teeth that slide into each other. My mom got it for me for X-mas. My initial thought was that with my layers and fumble fingers I'd never get any use out of it. I lazily slid the ends through the top section of my hair from each side and slid the comb tooths into each other and voila; Half updo!

Some loose strands wouldn't stay in the combs but once the combs are in my hair, no pieces slide out. If I apply a bit of styling product first, all parts stay up. The other good news is that I don't have to comb my hair first and hold it in one hand while fumbling for combs with the other hand. I am completely style challenged!
I wonder, if my hair had been longer and all one length, would these sort of crab combs be able to hold a twist together? What other options could there be?
In the past I've had single combs, hinged combs, long "beaks", those bun half circles with a stick you slide through, the zig-zag things you close together at the ends, etc. but none really appealed to me. In other words, I never developed the skill level to use them.

I feel really good about having something that isn't a hair band, that I can actually figure out how to use and can use at the length my hair is now even though it's stubbornly straight and slippery. I know I'm raving on and on but I've been in desperate need for a hair style success experience for over five years now.
However, googling 'The Crab' just shows up images of crabs.