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Nasty hair?! (Read 8584 times)


Posts: 909
Gender: female
Nasty hair?!
Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:54am
I've had this one thrown at me since I was a kid.  There's this myth that Asian  (Mongolid types) hair due to it's coarseness and individual hair strand's thickness is also wiry like a porkypine. Huh   Okay, maybe if it's cut short enough but it's still not going to hurt your fingers to touch it! Grin  As long as I take good care of my hair and get the moisture balance right, this is NOT the case!  My hair can be very soft and I dare say pleasant to touch but what do I know.....

Apparently Asian (Mongolid) hair is also gross and greasy. Shocked  Getting the moisture balance right is again the key but fine hair can become greasy too for someone who's going through a phase of adjusting the moisture their hair needs or if they don't know how to care for their hair.  This is not exclusively nor universally true about Asian hair!
Angry  Most of the time my hair appears naturally shiny but the shine is most apparent when the lighting comes directly from above in an otherwise darker room. Fx. bathrooms with spotlights make my hair look its best where as bright outdoor sunlight doesn't do my hair the kind of favors it does for other hair colors in my opinion.

Of course shiny hair is not an indicator of hair health in all hair textures nor is hair that doesn't naturally look shiny any less gorgeous than shiny hair.  I love hair that naturally has an ethereal glow rather than shine.  However, nature had different intends with my hair.  I'm trying to accept and embrace the whole shiny, straight hair thingy. Roll Eyes

When I lived in CA I would often see Asian women with oil in their hair if they were going out for the evening and wanted their hair to look good for their occasion.  It wasn't because they thought it was a great look.  Some do have some sebum problems that can cause the greasy look but it's not because they're careless.  Most Asian women I've met are very hair proud.  

There will always be people who don't care or prefer certain tortured styles or have scalp problems that affect the appearance of their hair.  That's not an exclusively Asian problem.  

-Rant over.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Nasty hair?!
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 10:21am
Um...   *hugs*??   Grin
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Nasty hair?!
Reply #2 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:38pm
*shrug* I don't know where you're hearing this bs, really. Asian hair is gorgeous!! Cheesy

My best guy friend is half Japanese and has tons of pretty black hair that I so envy him for.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Nasty hair?!
Reply #3 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 9:03am
I agree with Angel!  What BS!!

I've seen guys with the short spiky hair and talk about an awesome look!!

In my days of wishing I could change my hair, I wanted thick, blue-black, straight hair.  I have a friend that is Thai and her hair is layered waist length.  It is just beautiful!   I have been there when people stop her and tell her how gorgeous her hair is!

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise Drear!  If anything, look that same person in the eye and tell them that "Jealousy is extremely unattractive as well."  If nothing else, you'll probably confuse them long enough to make a graceful exit....

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Posts: 909
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Re: Nasty hair?!
Reply #4 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 2:54am
It's actually been a long time since I'd heard comments like these until Wednesday and they weren't said directly to me but just generally of me and two Fillippino ladies who were at my middle son's school.  I don't think they thought we'd heard them. 

Comments like these were more common in high school. Roll Eyes  These days people usually only compliment if they say anything. Smiley  I'm going through a good hair phase so my skin is usually a bit thicker regarding hair comments than when I have a bad phase.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: Nasty hair?!
Reply #5 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 11:25pm
People are stupid and ignorant.  My hubby is Chinese Indonesian.  I say he has indestructable hair.  Its soft and I love it.  He does wash everyday as his scalp gets oily, and he has learned from me to use conditioner every time.

I'm sorry you've heard such negative things about Asian hair.  I guess I'd ignore it if it wasn't coming from someone who is Asian and knows what its like to have Asian hair.

I like your new avatar-looks like your hair is growing!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Nasty hair?!
Reply #6 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 2:54am
The funny thing is that I think the bottom is evening itself out.  I can see why women with long hair and layers need quarterly trims to keep a "style".  I can also see why it will become a drag as my hair gets longer and because of the way it grows.
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