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What is your foolish dream? (Read 4331 times)
Ex Member

What is your foolish dream?
Oct 22nd, 2008 at 2:42pm
Perhaps this is a bit serious; I'm no judge of that sort of thing.  What's your foolish dream?

Mine is to publish fiction.  Growing up, my best friends were the characters in fantasy and science fiction novels.  I had a very high reading level, so I often read books that were inappropriate for my age group.  When my classmates were pushing through Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary, I was reading Asimov, Stephen King, Anne McCaffery, Anne Rice.

When it was good, and I'll admit it wasn't always, there were times when I mocked even my favorite authors for an awkward phrase or confusing plot twist, but when it was good it was my favorite thing in the world, the interaction of the characters, the descriptions of settings, the emotional engagement.  I wanted to do that, I wanted to invent characters that were almost real, settings and situations that other people could relate to.  I'm a shy person, but an observer, and writing was the easyest way for me to express myself.

So I wrote my way through school, barely passing my classes except creative writing, writing fiction instead of taking notes, but never finishing anything before I moved onto something more exciting.  I still have a short story I wrote in second grade, and it's derivative and silly and shows little understanding of the world, but the description, the observation, is there, and it makes me remember things that I otherwise had forgotten.

At one point, I decided to self-publish serial fiction on a myspace blog, which I stopped doing after little more than six months.  It's at Little Claire Lost if you want to see it.  there are pages and pages; that link sends you to the beginnig of the story.

Now I'm mostly done with a more grown up fantasy novel.  When I am done, I'm going to start contacting agents to see if I can get representation.  It's a long shot, but it's not a foolish dream if it's not foolish.  Grin
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Angel Spun
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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #1 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 6:54pm
Interesting subject.
Hmm...if I'd written this about 6 months ago, I'd say that my top "foolish" dream would be to sing in a band, like my father. Different music style, of course.
   But for the past several months, I've been doing that. So I suppose the next step will be fronting a band, like my father. I've long considered this my destiny, but I'm an artist of all trades and am by no means putting all of my eggs in one basket.

So with the presumption that at I'll see at least one of those artistic threads through to fruition, I suppose my next "foolish" dream would be a life without restrictions. Moving out of my parents' house, finding a steady job that actually supported me, finishing school and finally having full ownership of my car. All very basic needs, but those who haven't struggled have no idea how even the necessities can seem like distant and impossible dreams.
   But the main idea would be living life on my own terms. Calling all of the shots myself...my terms, my schedule, my way. With no one breathing down my neck or criticizing my every breath. Freedom, I guess. That's my dream. ...

And just for the record, I thought I'd add that I don't think any dream is foolish. Unless you're trying to be someone you're not or do something that you clearly can't...in which case, it's a delusion.
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Shooting Star

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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #2 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 8:49pm
At my age, I'm more interested in what I want to do when I retire.  I'd love to work in a little neighborhood yarn store, surrounded by beautiful yarn and lots of time to knit and help others knit.  I don't want to own the store (don't want the responsibility), I just want to enjoy being there and helping others. Smiley 

And when I'm not working in the yarn store, I want to bike all around the country.  I'd like to bike a trail in every state, including Alaska and Hawaii.  Is that foolish enough??  Grin
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #3 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 11:52pm
Actually, I 'self published' a 900+ page novel along with a still unfinished sequel. But unlike Skyfire, I am dyslexic and a horrible reader. A dream is to have it end up a real book. But more realistic, I know what I want to do when I retire. It's just getting there....Actually came close to doing it, but conditions are so I need to work a while more.

So the foolish dream would have been to retire on Oct. 31. I guess I'm lucky to have found a diferent position within the company as opposed to taking the settlement.
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A Tale of Two Best Friends; Kayla & Kirby Ann is closed for the moment.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Bike Paths of the Midwest
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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #4 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 7:11am
I love your stories, Sir Rat!  I do hope you are able to continue them.  I'm glad to hear you found another position within the company - I know you weren't really ready for retirement.  Good luck!
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #5 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 10:23am
Hmm, you took the dream right out of my mouth, Skyfire.   Smiley  My dream is to be a published writer.  Foolish?  I don't think so; unrealistic perhaps, but not foolish.   Wink  I enjoy the very act of writing.  So even if I never get published, I'll be all right.  And like BB and Sir Rat, I'm at an age where I'm looking at the not-so distant future to retirement, trying to imagine what I'll be doing. 

Now, if we're talking truly foolish dreams? 
Singing in front of a live audience. 
Acting on stage in a play. 
Opening a restaurant.  (after retirement?  hmm!)
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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #6 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 1:55pm
My "foolish" dream. Has actually been the same one since I was a young child.  Smiley I've always wanted to train horses. When I was little it was show jumpers and such, middle-high school it was Thoroughbred racehorses, but after deciding I could never survive having to get up at 3-4am everyday.  Tongue I moved on to Arabian show horses. After not finding any viable resources in our area, or much helpful information from anyone in there in general I stumbled upon Morgans last year. ... Not only are they beautiful and freaking amazing, but there are two well known top farms in our area. So when we move, I'll be getting a horse, starting lessons, and studying to train and breed Morgan show horses. It was a foolish dream when I was younger but now I'm finally old enough to actually attempt it.  Cool
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Re: What is your foolish dream?
Reply #7 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 5:32pm
Currently, I'm living my dream, which is to be able to spend my days however I want.  I used to have an actor friend who lived in L.A. that I talked to regularly.  We'd talk every day before I went to work and he'd always be on his way to the beach or something. Roll Eyes  I'd be so jealous and wish that I could do whatever I wanted with my days too.  I stopped working several times over the years to realize my dream, but it was never fun because I had no one to share my days with.  Now that my husband has been working from home my life has been great!

My not so foolish dream for the future is to move to Europe and live there for a few years.  The "foolish" part, is that I'd like to live in a large villa with lots of land around it.  Seeing that most things affordable over there are so small and close together, it doesn't seem likely that I'll have a large place, but I'll still dream. Smiley

Then, perhaps I'd like to move back to the U.S. and live closer to my family.  Or... maybe if I do get that large villa, they could move to Europe and live with us. Wink
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