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The Manic Panic Virgin Snow Toner. (Read 8384 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 124
The Manic Panic Virgin Snow Toner.
Aug 29th, 2008 at 10:41am
Hi all,

Has anyone here tried this toner product called, "Manic Panic Virgin Snow?"  It's a toner that you use over your already bleached hair.  If you want white blonde hair the bleach won't lighten it to white alone.  So, Manic Panic requires you to bleach your hair first, and then use the Virgin Snow Toner over it.  It will work better.  I am thinking about trying it.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: The Manic Panic Virgin Snow Toner.
Reply #1 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 7:12pm
Sorry, no experience here.  Good luck if you try it!
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Re: The Manic Panic Virgin Snow Toner.
Reply #2 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 12:38pm
I haven't tried it but I've read that you use toner after bleach to get the yellow out and then you still have to dye your hair to the shade of blonde or white you want.  Please let us know if the toner alone is good enough.  

When I wasn't as careful with my hair as I am now, I was really keen on tryin Manic Panic dyes but I never got around to it.  Probably a good thing because my hair would require bleaching, double bleach, tripple bleach vol.40, purple toner AND palest blonde/white dye. Grin

I'm still attracted to all unnatural shades, especially the fade effects and they can look brilliant on other people.  I just won't experiment with my own hair.  I'd love any shade of pink, deep orange, purple, lavender, deep blue, or pale blue shade.  I think they would all flatter me but I won't do at the consequences it will have to my hair.  The colors fade fast too I've been told.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 124
Re: The Manic Panic Virgin Snow Toner.
Reply #3 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 7:56pm
Thanks.  I know whatcha mean Drear.  Well, I've already been through the bleaching process, and that is volume 20 bleach.  Nothing stronger.  Because, my hair is already chemically-treated as far as being relaxed.  So, hairdressers always tell me that when a person has relaxed hair they should used the lowest volume in bleach that is on the market.  When that was told to me it really made a lot of sense.  I mean, think about it, the stronger the volume the more harsh it is to your hair.  I don't need that much volum or bleach to lighten my hair.  Because, my natural hair color is already fair or light.  All I need to do is use volume 20 and the bleach itself and leave it on as directed, and my hair lightens up to a pale blonde or yellow very fast.

Oh yeah, it is very true that Manic Panic hair dyes do fade very fast.  It tells you that on their website.  But I'm glad to learn of the other Manic Panic shades they have to experiment with!!!!  They have alll kind of reds, deep reds, orange, yellow, black, and brown.  To be honest with you if I was experiementing on different shades of color I would use Manic Panic. Because, it is very very good that their dyes or not permanent dyes.  They are semi-permanent.  That means they only last through a few shampoos.  Which is something I love very much, and you are very right about as for certain shades fading on other people it may look good on them that it very true.

Oh yes, I can totally understand with your dark hair that you may need to bleach, double bleach, and tripple bleach....lol because it is soooooo dark.  Dark hair is very very hard to lighten as they say, and it is very true.  Because, my hair is still considered dark.  You see, my natural hair color is a medium brown.  Or, it is brown with blonde highlights.  Just imagine chocolate brown or chestnut brown with sand color highlights.  I try to think of, mix, or imagine chocolate brown and the color or sand hair, and you know the color of sand is blonde.  Oh, it's a beautiful color.  I just want to be more of a pale blonde.  I don't want it to be the color snow white blonde but mainly have some platinum highlights to it.

I've heard of this product through a girlfriend of mine I met on the Going Blonde Page. She always tells me a lot about using the Manic Panic Virgin Snow shade.  But yes, I have been though step 1 of the bleaching process.  Now, I am ready to tone down the gold and yellowness.  Now, she also told me that if I still have any gold or red tones left in my hair the Manic Panic Virgin Snow may not work but she's not sure I don't think.  So, I am gonna give it a try and see what happens.

I'll let you guys know how it came out.
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Posts: 47
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Re: The Manic Panic Virgin Snow Toner.
Reply #4 - Sep 10th, 2008 at 6:18pm
I tried a Manic Panic dye once, but it wasn't for lightening. I dyed my hair pink Smiley It was okay... the first time I did it it only stayed for about a week, but when I re-dyed it, it stayed for a very long time. The first time I used 1/4 of the bottle, which is what it recommended for short hair. The second time, I used about 1/2 of the bottle, and that covered better.
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