So yesterday I itched my scalp (it wasn't itchy all over) and under my nails was white gunk!

I thought I just needed to use my no poo, so this morning I did, but now the white crud is stuck in my curls!

I am not sure if it is dandruff or what. I used to get this when I straigtened my hair, and failed to wash for 2 or 3 days. So do I need to do a vinegar rinse?

If I do a rinse should I use acv or wv?

What could be causing this and how can I get rid of it?

My scalp isn't dry, the stuff under my nails was kinda moist. I hope this doesn't make me sound disgusting, I just don't want to be walking around in public with white crud in my curls!

Not when I finally got them looking good!