I managed to layer my hair all over untill 90% of the dye was gone maybe 95% just the ends need 1/2 inch trim i think but its very faded.
So this is my natural hair colour, its quite a bright picture i am not that pale, but i wanted lots of daylight on my hair so you could see the layers. I am planning on keeping the layers as i really like them.
I took the pics with my new web cam which i love because there is no flash and it shows my hair exzactly how it is, except just a fraction lighter because i was next to the window when i took them on my bed.
There are a few golden tones in my hair but it is mainly light brown/almost medium with golden highlights, when i take the clips out it looks more brown as the temples where my hair grows are very light.
http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r96/rainbows_photo/144845.jpghttp://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r96/rainbows_photo/144505.jpghttp://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r96/rainbows_photo/144436-1.jpgTaking photos is great because you can really tell the difference its much better than measuring by far.
So my goal from here is just to grow grow and grow and get 1/2 inch trims every 4 months all over. I will be doing the cutting myself since it turned out so well. I managed to keep some thickness and not let it thin out too much or go to short. Overall to remove the dye i lost 2 1/2 inches in length but it was worth it to have my natural colour again.
It feels so good to have my hair back again, this is the shortest my hair has been and i actually like it, i think its the layers i like more than anything though, dont worry i am still growing my hair long lol
Looking at these pics i am quite impressed with the growth after just 9 months