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Comments you get from people about your hair. (Read 29687 times)

Posts: 3
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Comments you get from people about your hair.
Sep 14th, 2006 at 12:47am
A few years back i remember i was at a restaurant with an old girl friend when this kid sitting to the back of me says to his mother mommy whys that guys hair so long lol.my hair was to my waist back then and i had it all out.the mother just told him to hush.one time i was walking to a rock concert with the same girl and this guy yells out the window of his van when we were walking down the sidewalk hey what one of you is the girl.I wonder why guys with short hair feel a need to do such things?
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Shooting Star

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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #1 - Sep 14th, 2006 at 10:34am
Guys do that to try to show how "macho" they are, but in reality it just shows how insecure they are.  After all, they are the one that "follows the crowd", rather than state their own individuality.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #2 - Sep 14th, 2006 at 9:30pm
They're just jealous, mustang. Keep growing.  Wink
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Certified longhair

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New York
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #3 - Jan 14th, 2007 at 11:07pm
Old white guys seem to confuse me more than urban hip trendy kids. I have had my fair share of rude comments. I just laugh at them and make em think I'm crazy.

Besides in NYC you don't know whether I am armed or not. Grin

Which I am not.

That's why it usually doesn't get past words.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #4 - Jan 15th, 2007 at 6:49pm
lol kengibson  Grin

Good perspective to have.
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Certified longhair

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New York
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #5 - Jan 15th, 2007 at 11:45pm
It's sad isn't it I have gotten in a grand total of 2 fights throughout my life. All of them were in High school or earlier.

Not a violent person, I play violent video games, but absolutely depise real life violence.
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WWW 34923128 kengibson2001 kengibson2001  
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #6 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 4:07am
I've been lucky so far I guess. I'm a computer technician for a living. I run my own business making house calls. I've been to hundreds and hundreds of strangers houses in the last six or seven years i've been doing it. The worst comments I've gotten are people asking me when am I going to cut it? I very rarely even get asked questions about it. When I do they are stupid ones like why do I have long hair? Most of the time people don't seem to care in the least. I guess as long as I fix their computer.  Grin

Though sometimes I get a person who's more open to me about their drug use. I'll be sitting there thinking to myself that they must think I have long hair because i'm a hippie or something.  Roll Eyes Even though I don't look like one in the slightest bit.

Which leads me to my appearance. Maybe it helps somewhat. I'm exactly 6' and weigh around 220. I enjoy lifting weights once or twice a week so i'm not a complete lard arse lol! I also always either have a goatee or a beard going on. I wouldn't classify myself as being a "big guy" by really any means but it's enough for people to keep a little tighter lip then they normally would.  Tongue
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Shooting Star

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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #7 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:10am
Another computer tech nerd! (I'm a software developer) Grin  I think a lot of people look at tech people as being a bit "strange" anyway, so long hair is not unexpected.  Being confident about your looks also helps.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #8 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 11:48am
Ahhh yes, in the computer field, you can get away with just about anything. Especially if you work independently.

Many folks here already know about my former husband who was a computer programmer with hair that once reached the middle of his back. He got hassled about it on occasion, but never on the job. And a lot of the time, he'd get pretty funny questions. Like saleswomen in a store who would see both of us from the back and ask, "Can I help you ladies with anything?" And then we would both turn around and the sales lady would get all embarrassed...
   And at a costume contest one time, someone asked him, "Is that your real hair?"  Grin  Just stuff like that.

Though sometimes I get a person who's more open to me about their drug use. I'll be sitting there thinking to myself that they must think I have long hair because i'm a hippie or something.  Roll Eyes  Even though I don't look like one in the slightest bit.

lol Jonathan. Isn't it sad how people still make that connection? Honestly, that was all about 35 - 40 years ago. Most of the true hippies don't even have hair anymore.  Grin
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #9 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 12:14pm
My husband has hair down to his mid-back.  It is longer than mine!  I tell people we are having a race to our waist and he is winning.  He has a LOT of damage though, because he hasn't gotten so much as a trim in over four years. 

Due to our experiences in Egypt we are both homeless and jobless, and we have discussed him cutting his hair.  After all, no on objects to a man having short hair.  But he decided he liked his long hair and wanted to keep it.  And since he is looking for work in the computer field, far fewer eyebrows will be raised than otherwise.  Heck, it might even help!

However my sister-in-law's neighbor, upon seeing him, asked her if he smoked pot.  Jeesh!
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #10 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 11:32pm
I have had in the past,the usual like,'you look like a gurl, and 'get your hair cut' etc,but experience wise,I have fallen foul of authorities in a different country for doing nothing more than having long hair apparently.Explanation from people who lived in that country,well the authorities look at long haired males as being hippies or drug users.

The same country,I could not buy a product in a pharmacy,I was told they did not have what I wanted.Going outside,one of my colleagues tried ,him being short hair and emerged a short time later with the product which I was told they did not have.

But why the descrimination about males with long hair,the nineteenth century it was common for males to wear long hair,as it was throughout history.

Perhaps in the twentieth century with the great wars,a more regimental hair order was adopted,an expression of military control and short hair became the norm thereafter.The 1960's probably did not do a lot for present attitudes either.

It has not all been negative though,I have received some great comments from women and some men,some particularly liking the one inch grey streak root to tip I had down one side in contrast to my dark hair
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #11 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 8:35am
It is a shame that some people judge severely based on appearances only.  Hopefully the trends are changing to make it more acceptable for men to have longer hair - at least that is what I am seeing in my part of the world.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Perm Victim

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Fort Myers, FL.
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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #12 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 9:25am
Don't you listen to that negativity for a SECOND!

My father has had almost waist length hair my entire life, and he is one of the toughest sonsabeeches I know! My boyfriend now has long hair, and he also has the manliest beard this side of the mason dixon.

The stereotypes that follow are the absolute worst, everyone assumes my boyfriend does drugs because of his long-haired appearance, and when I correct them I can tell they don't believe me.

Long hair on men has always seemed the most natural thing in the world to me, and I know alot of folks agree!

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Long hair is so cool!

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Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #13 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 4:00pm
I agree that long hair on a man is so natural and sexy in my book too.  It is no trouble at all....compared to short chopped off styles I always had most of my life.  I just comb my out and put it in a pnytail or braid every day!  I love it!!!!

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The longer...the better!  I love long locks!&&Just wish mine would grow longer than my waist...............
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 12
Gender: female
Re: Comments you get from people about your hair.
Reply #14 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 3:22pm
My hubby got stopped at the airport coming into the country once and was searched for drugs. Only because he had long hair. Other than his hair, he looked like the absolute least likely drug smuggler.  Roll Eyes Both of us are extremely straight, so it was pretty dumb. I also know an old hippie (who does do soft drugs, but is also the sweetest guy) and a programmer with long hair, both in their 60's, and an artist.
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Just-above-shoulder-length, dark brown, thick, wavy-frizzy hair. &&I had butt-length hair through high school, shaved it ALL off in college, have shaved it twice since, and now intend to grow it butt-length again. xD
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