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Cones (Read 3378 times)

Cowboy Take Me Away!!

Posts: 86
Gender: female
Aug 18th, 2005 at 6:37pm
I had been cone free for about 2 weeks, and my hair was so dry and unruly. So today I decided to use my Garnier Sleek and Shine, and it's like I have a different head of hair. So should I keep using the cones and do a vinegar rinse every week? Your thoughts please.  ???
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Shooting Star

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Re: Cones
Reply #1 - Aug 18th, 2005 at 6:41pm
If your hair seems to prefer the -cones, then a vinegar rinse every week or so should help prevent the build up.  If you notice your ends getting stiff and crunchy, it is time to clarify!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
Gender: female
Re: Cones
Reply #2 - Aug 18th, 2005 at 6:53pm
when i was using cones i did an ACV rinse every week,  the frizz was gone and my hair felt alot better Smiley

now i'm testing my hair, so i'v gone off cones for about 4 days now (i'm using suave milk and honey) and so far so good, even though my hair looked ok with cones too
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Cones
Reply #3 - Aug 18th, 2005 at 7:11pm
I tried going cone-free a few months ago.  But after about 3 weeks, my hair started feeling and looking terrible--dry, lifeless and just yucky in general.  Back to my coned shampoo and conditioner I went.  Lo and behold, my hair looked and felt great again.  So mine is one of the few heads of hair that actually likes cones.  I also do an acv rinse once a week.   Smiley
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Posts: 604
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Re: Cones
Reply #4 - Aug 18th, 2005 at 11:29pm
The only problem I had with -cones is that jojoba oil made my hair feel like straw.  When I went off it for two weeks and re-tried the jojoba oil, it worked much better.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Cones
Reply #5 - Aug 18th, 2005 at 11:36pm
I've been cone free for about 9 months now.  My hair felt like straw, too, but I kept up the hot oil treatments and did several treatments of mixing equal parts oil and conditioner (rinse this one out by mixing vinegar, lemon juice and conditioner) and my hair finally got hydrated enough that I'll remain cone free.  I have wavy hair-which in the past really like cones.  Right now I use Jessicurl's styling products or nothing (cone free).  You'll get used to your hair looking different and you can persevere OR use cones.  It is up to you!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

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Bill Gates' backyard, WA
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Re: Cones
Reply #6 - Aug 18th, 2005 at 11:50pm
I am a diehard cone user (of the water-soluble variety). With an almost-weekly clarifying (clarifying once per wash), I haven't seen any problems. My last option is to try broccoli seed oil, but we shall see....

Cones are either well-used or well-abused, and if coning works for you, by all means find a good clarifying routine to pair with it.

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Dancing at night playing
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Dallas, TX
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Re: Cones
Reply #7 - Aug 19th, 2005 at 8:44pm
The only problem I had with -cones is that jojoba oil made my hair feel like straw.  When I went off it for two weeks and re-tried the jojoba oil, it worked much better.

That's most interesting panpeus, I used jojoba at the same time I was going cone-free and found the oil made my hair feel like straw, although coconut oil did wonders. Perhaps, it's time to try it again and see if it was a combination effect.

Sakina and Anais are correct in that cones are either great for your hair or not. Everyone behaves differently. I mean, look at these two hair goddesses! Both have hair to die for and each has a different regime with respect to cones. For me, I jumped on the no-cones band-wagon, and, in my case, it worked out well. Granted there was a period of adjustment, although short, that I had to be more patient with my hair after a wash. I now have a less expensive solution to washing my hair AND my hair is really healthy. I can honestly say my hair feels just as clean and slippery now as when I was using Pantene. Depends on the hair, though and ya just gotta give it time and a little experimentation.

I would say, if your patience wears thin, either jump on the board and get support or give in and use a cone or two. If the latter, a good ACV rinse every week or two will certainly go a long way to healthier hair.
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Ever wonder how much deeper would the ocean be without sponges.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Cones
Reply #8 - Aug 20th, 2005 at 3:01pm
Anais!  I really love you hair pages(Medusa's Lair)
I am going to try your sock curling method tonight  to see how it works on my hiar.

As far as 'cones- my hair likes them as long as I clarify regularly- but I discovered that it also pulls out my natural waves- I never knew I was a 2a(fia's hair typing) until I went without. I've been using Jessicurl products for awile now.  My hair gets weighted down very easily- I must say however that I still spray a cone-laden leave-in in sometimes when I can't detangle- so I'm not completly cone free.I think I'm always going to have to use them in moderation.
Another problem I have is I switched from shampooing every other day with sulfate based poos(Pre-LL)
to twice a week with no sulfate poos(Jessicurl) So I'm worried that the cones might not get all washed out- though I still use a vinegar rinse every 2 weeks.
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