
Can you explain this better? I want to try this (I've been doing the BB braid with a curler for the end and really like it, by the way

) but I don't understand your instructions....
I'll try to explain it better...if my dad would give me one of his digi-cams I could maybe post pictures!

Part your hair down the center into two tails. Actually you can
braid it or not, I have tried both ways. I think it turns out more curly if the hair is braided first, because it narrows the ends down...If you braid it, stop braiding at about chin length.
Grab hold of one tail at chin-length or a bit lower with
fingers of your left hand. (I'm doing this as I type...)
fingers of your right hand, grasp the part of the tail hanging down below your fingers and lift it up so that you are actually wrapping this around the shaft of hair you are grasping with your left hand...

make sense?
x-----------here's hair coming out from your head...
x ------------------grasp here with left hand...
x x
x x
x x-----------------------while bringing up ends
x x to circle around the section you
xxxx are already holding,
looping it around above the fingers. Essentially you are curling the hair around itself. (The "picture" couldn't show that part, sorry...)
Have your crew sock cuffed and ready as well as your rubber bands. Holding the coiled bundle of hair with your RIGHT hand, stuff it into the sock with your LEFT. Secure near the end with rubber band. Repeat for other side!
Please let me know if I am still not explaining this right!