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Conditioning survey (Read 3109 times)

Posts: 1671
Conditioning survey
Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:10am
This month, let's talk about all the nice things we do to pamper our hair! Note, that here term "conditioner" applies to all products that you use for the purpose of conditioning and moisturizing your hair, not only those products labeled as conditioners.

1. What types of conditioner you use regularly? (rinse out, leave in, deep conditioner, oil, misting etc.)

2.How often do you conditioner? (If you use several types of conditioners, separate each!)

3. What products do you use?

4. Why have you chosen your current conditioning method?

5. Does your conditioning routine change by season (winter/summer)? If yes, how?

6. For those who use more than one conditioner: If you could choose just one conditioner from your routine, what would it be and why?

7. Do you mind silicone derivatives in conditioners?

8. Which is more important to you: shampoo or conditioner?

9. Do you have any conditioning tips you would like to share?

Here are my answers:

1. oil, misting, leave in, deep conditioner and oil treatment  Shocked Is this much?

2. I oil and mist almost after every wash, sometimes also between washes. I apply leave in maybe once a week, deep conditioner maybe once in three weeks and do oil treatment in sauna approximately once a month.

3. jojoba oil, rose water, XZ deep conditioner, Body Shop amlika leave-in conditioner and my own jojoba/EO mix for oil treatments

4. I've just "drifted" into using it. I'm happy with it, seems to work well and isn't as complicated as it sounds  Tongue

5. In winter, my hair needs to be super well moistured in order to avoid static, so I oil and mist it more often.

6. Eek! I don't want to choose just one! If I absolutely had to, I would choose jojoba oil, as I could use it to both regular oiling and to do deep treatments.  Grin

7. I don't like them. My leave in contains water soluble cones, but that's all.

8. Shampoo (shampoo bar). I suppose I could technically do without conditioning this much...but I couldn't do without shampoo. But I prefer to have everything.

9. Not really...this question was meant to everyone else! Grin
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Re: Conditioning survey
Reply #1 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:01pm
1. What types of conditioner you use regularly? (rinse out, leave in, deep conditioner, oil, misting etc.)
when i wash a rinse out. i use a few drops of oil daily (jojoba, almond, nuxe). after washing i put aloe vera followed by either glossing gel (aloe vera + jojoba) or oil. i also put some emulsion in the morning with a sun screen because it gives me big hair Grin

2.How often do you conditioner? (If you use several types of conditioners, separate each!)
every three days, i rotate a lot. i use cheap and expensive stuff, regular and heavier masks. all are without cones.
also: herbal henna and lotus powder pluss (all from everyday mehndi).

3. What products do you use?
brands: timotei, dove, garnier, hema (cheapos);
leonor greyl (expensive with the big E).

4. Why have you chosen your current conditioning method?
i found thaat silicones and lack of rotation and acv have seriously dried out my hair in the past, with unnecessary splits as a result. although my hair actually looks less full since the better care pushed it more to it's virgin self: fine and straightish, i so love the shine and managebility it lacked before.

5. Does your conditioning routine change by season (winter/summer)? If yes, how?
not really. apart from the sunscreen emulsion but since it gives me big hair, it will still come in handy in winter too.

6. For those who use more than one conditioner: If you could choose just one conditioner from your routine, what would it be and why?
leonor greyl's masks with orchid: although it's supposed to be a heavy treatment, it leaves my hair actually lighter than most regular conditioners, it smells awsome and the waves from braiding stay better. and it adds an artificial ultra glossy coneless shine.

7. Do you mind silicone derivatives in conditioners?
i think honestly, i can use some types of cones, but i found they straighten my hair more than i wish for and they seem to fight with jojoba.

8. Which is more important to you: shampoo or conditioner?
no more shampoo on this head darl!
so far only an expensive leonor greyl shampoo doesn't seem to cause itching on me, but i co most of the time.

9. Do you have any conditioning tips you would like to share?
if you don't clean your hair with it, and you have fine hair, only a tiny amount should be ok. will save you loads of money.
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styg. (1 b/c F/M ii)&&32"/ 36"/ 38-40"
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Re: Conditioning survey
Reply #2 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 11:16pm
1. What types of conditioner you use regularly? (rinse out, leave in, deep conditioner, oil, misting etc.) For rinse out conditioners I use Suave and for deeper conditioning I have been using Hask's Henna and Placenta. Also Aussie Hair Insurance leave-in.

2.How often do you conditioner? (If you use several types of conditioners, separate each!) I wash my hair every three days, so I condition every three days also.

3. What products do you use? Suave, Pantene(clarifying shampoo only), Hask, sometimes mane n tail.

4. Why have you chosen your current conditioning method? Well, because as much as I would like to C/O, I am quite obsessive about shampooing. Getting down to washing every three days was quite a job!

5. Does your conditioning routine change by season (winter/summer)? If yes, how? Routine is pretty much the same, except having to wear my hair up more often, the humidity is making it not look so nice. Sad

6. For those who use more than one conditioner: If you could choose just one conditioner from your routine, what would it be and why? Definitely Hask's Henna and Placenta. It keeps my hair soft and shiney without weighing it down.

7. Do you mind silicone derivatives in conditioners? I really do not like them, they give my hair a very weird texture. However i think there is one 'cone in my leave -in. Uh oh!

8. Which is more important to you: shampoo or conditioner? Oh my...This is hard, because of my obsession with feeling clean, but at the same time, I would rather have soft pretty hair!
9. Do you have any conditioning tips you would like to share? I have noticed that even with my cheapo Suave, it works wayyy better when I put a shower cap on and go about my showering duties and rinse it last.
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

Posts: 1265
Bill Gates' backyard, WA
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Re: Conditioning survey
Reply #3 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 5:32pm
1. What types of conditioner you use regularly? (rinse out, leave in, deep conditioner, oil, misting etc.) coneless rinseout, cone rinseout, shea butter, flaxseed oil

2.How often do you condition? (If you use several types of conditioners, separate each!) CCC (CO) once every 8 days or so, flaxseed on day before wash, shea butter for braiding and bunning on days 6-8

3. What products do you use?
Pure-A-Teas Lotus blossom
Suave M&H
Kirkland Lemon Gingerroot
homemade sheajoba salve mix
flaxseed oil

4. Why have you chosen your current conditioning method? shoot, I don't know. It works. Tongue

5. Does your conditioning routine change by season (winter/summer)? If yes, how? More frequent oiling for the wintertime

6. For those who use more than one conditioner: If you could choose just one conditioner from your routine, what would it be and why? the cone (Kirkland) because I can't go without cones.

7. Do you mind silicone derivatives in conditioners? nope.

8. Which is more important to you: shampoo or conditioner? conditioner

9. Do you have any conditioning tips you would like to share? Layer your cones over a coneless - don't rinse the coneless before coning. Cheesy
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Gender: female
Re: Conditioning survey
Reply #4 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 5:32pm
1. What types of conditioner you use regularly? (rinse out, leave in, deep conditioner, oil, misting etc.)
rinse out: Suave Milk 'n Honey, Nature's Gate Aloe Vera; misting: lavender and rosemary EO

2.How often do you conditioner? (If you use several types of conditioners, separate each!)
Suave is everyday, Nature's Gate on wash days, the EOs are for when my hair looks/feels dry (which is often)

3. What products do you use?
Suave, Nature's Gate (conditioner and the jojoba shampoo), EOs from AuraCacia

4. Why have you chosen your current conditioning method?
I have to condition everyday or else my hair starts to feel crunchy.  I chose the CWC method after seeing the difference it made with someone's hair.  As for the EOs, I was reading about them online and wanted to try.  I used to deep condition every week, but I've gotten lazy and haven't done it for a month or two.

5. Does your conditioning routine change by season (winter/summer)? If yes, how?
Hmm, I'm not sure.  I've only stared really taking care of my hair since March and the weather here doesn't change as dramatically like it does on the mainland so I don't think my conditioning routine changes all that much.

6. For those who use more than one conditioner: If you could choose just one conditioner from your routine, what would it be and why?
Suave!  There's some man-made ingredients, but it works better on my hair than the 100% natural brands.

7. Do you mind silicone derivatives in conditioners?
Although I never had a problem with them, I'm trying to stay away from them now.

8. Which is more important to you: shampoo or conditioner?
As someone with chemically damaged hair, conditioner.

9. Do you have any conditioning tips you would like to share?
I'm not sure if this will work for everyone, but misting my hair with lavender and rosemary EO before I go to bed means softer and shinier hair when I wake up.
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La nuit a des douceurs
de femme

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Gender: female
Re: Conditioning survey
Reply #5 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 10:11pm
1. What types of conditioner you use regularly? (rinse out, leave in, deep conditioner, oil, misting etc.) Rinse out, leave in, and oils (olive and JoJoba)

2.How often do you conditioner? (If you use several types of conditioners, separate each!)  I condition every time I wash, usually about every four days or so, with a Suave conditioner (usually buy a new one each time, but I loooooove Citrus Smoothie, and Mango Peach) on the length and with my CoW mix for the scalp,  followed by Aussie Mega conditioner for the length, and once my hair is completely dry, I use two drops of Jojoba and a tiny bit of brushing to smooth it all out.

3. What products do you use? *giggles*  It's up there in question two.. I got a little excited  Cheesy

4. Why have you chosen your current conditioning method? Works wonders and it's the closest I can come to to a full CO wash.. 90% condish, 10% shampoo

5. Does your conditioning routine change by season (winter/summer)? If yes, how? Yes, in the summer I'm more prone to oil with olive oil (slathering up with olive oil on the day you go to the beach will not only soften my hair wonderfully, it also makes cleaning the salt water out a breeze.. I just load the oil on and braid my hair for the day) and I need to mix sunscreen in with some other specialities in a spray.  In winter, I need more deep conditioning treatments, so I buy a jar of shea butter and mix up a deep conditioner treatment at home.

6. For those who use more than one conditioner: If you could choose just one conditioner from your routine, what would it be and why?  That's gotta be the Aussie Mega.  My hair really needs some cones now and again because of the coarseness or it won't lie flat at all...

7. Do you mind silicone derivatives in conditioners? Nope!

8. Which is more important to you: shampoo or conditioner? Conditioner, hands down.

9. Do you have any conditioning tips you would like to share?  It's always better to try and find that you've used too much conditioner than to find you've used too little.  Too much, and you can always go back and wash some away, but if you use too little, not only will your hair be more brittle because it's wet, it might also break easier because the follicle is dry.  And; trial and error is your best bet; everyone's hair is different.

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