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COing again (Read 2048 times)

it just keeps growing

Posts: 427
Gender: female
COing again
Jun 24th, 2005 at 9:24pm
I've read alot about coing and the wonderfulness about it. Many of you who CO say you only do it about twice a week or so. For someone who is used to s/c every other day...what do you guys do on the days you are not COing?!? Do you just get it wet or what? I find if I just leave my hair to it's own devices, it getting tangled. I have nice curls, but if I brush, they go away into a mass of fluff. Is there a way to comb/brush to get the tangles out and still to keep the curls?
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3bNii Goal length: to my waist
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Re: COing again
Reply #1 - Jun 25th, 2005 at 4:08pm
Hey hun!  This is what I have been trying to hammer out too.  I CO 2-3 times a week, but in between I use a BBB to distribute the oils.  Since my hair is straight, you might have to oil instead of BBB.

For combing, I know finger-combing is ideal.  But if that can't happen, maybe you could spray some leave-in (something that could give the hair some "slip") so it would make the tangles easier to get out?  And use a seamless wide-toothed comb.

I hope this helps out a bit, I'm still trying to hammer out my own CO method.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Bike Paths of the Midwest
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Re: COing again
Reply #2 - Jun 25th, 2005 at 4:47pm
A fine mist and finger combing the hair will help to redefine the curls and manage the tangles.  Curly hair and brushing will tend to create fluff - a wide toothed comb is better on the curls.  The less you do with the curls, the better. Grin
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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~¤ she shines in a world
full of ugliness ¤~

Posts: 711
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Re: COing again
Reply #3 - Jun 26th, 2005 at 5:36pm
i wash every three days, regardless of the method. i'd been coing for months when i found some shampoos without any SL(E)S, nor AL(E)S. lets say that one turned out nice and my hair doesn't regrease more than with coing, the other one seemed less nice (itching faster regreasing). i usually do nothing in the in between days but when my temples look to greasy i kinda look bald if i comb it into a bun, so i might locally co wash!
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styg. (1 b/c F/M ii)&&32"/ 36"/ 38-40"
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