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Christiana's Hair Affairs (Read 58749 times)

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Christiana's Hair Affairs
May 2nd, 2005 at 12:31am
Sunday, May 1, 2005

I thought this would be a good place to keep a record of what my hair has been up to lately...what I'm doing that works/not works, etc., etc.  Then I can refer back to it and get ideas for the future, or something...

Well, on Friday night I oiled my hair with coconut oil after washing/towel blotting it.  Then I blowdried it and braided it.  Usually I put a quarter-sized dollop of conditioner onto it after I blowdry it almost dry, and then I blow it dry completely--afterwards adding some coconut oil to my braid--this creates instant "fat hair" and volume and shine. However, I wanted to see what just the oil would do, and in the morning I discovered why I had started adding the conditioner in the first place.  Totally thin-looking/feeling and slippery and un-voluminous hair!!!  That night I did not wash my hair but I added the customary conditioner.  It soaked in fast and I did not have to use the dryer.  It instantly felt fat and thick.  I braided it and coiled it around the top of my head, and I was not disappointed this Sunday morning!  I was grateful that it looked good for Mass.  I just don't feel happy all around if my hair doesn't please me.  I like it to look soft and feminine and romantic at ALL TIMES!!!

It's almost 8:30 pm now, and I want to get in a half hour of dancing before bedtime.  That would be at 10---I have resolved to be faithful to this appointed time no matter what!  I even forced myself to read the Sunday paper this afternoon instead of my usual late-night hour.  No more of that for me...10 sharp it is.  So I had better sign off for now and start dancing, and then maybe do some other relaxing thing until 10!  BUT 10 IT WILL BE!!!!!!!!

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« Last Edit: May 2nd, 2005 at 7:14pm by Christiana »  

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #1 - May 2nd, 2005 at 7:11pm
Monday, May 2, 2005

Last night I braided my hair for bed and instead of leaving almost half of it unbraided (to curl around the body of my braid before pinning it up)  I left just 5 inches unbraided, oiled it with coconut oil and rubbed the rest on my braid, and curled the 5 inches around the braid.  The result was a tighter and longer lasting curl/wave in the morning on my ends!!!  I was very happy with it, and I hope I remember the 5 inch rule for the ends.

Also:  my current hairstyle is gathering my front hair beginning at the temples and affixing a sort of poof with hair combs and a barette.  I fluff my bangs into place and make sure that the long wispy "sideburns" are satisfactorily in position, too. I like the feeling and look of having a soft frame around my face. Then I place my fingers directly underneath my ears and draw back some side hair, sort of drape-like, fastening with another barette low down near my neck.  The entire do is very soft and bridal looking, I like it so much and I wear it every day. 

(I think it works/looks better if I do it this way, drawing it back starting at underneath my ears, instead of the variation I have been trying for the past week--drawing it back from above my ears.  I won't wear it that way anymore.   It makes a difference in how the whole style hangs, especially the back.)

My face:  Still working on how to moisterize dry yet oily and acne prone skin.  I would like to try some jojoba someday...I went to Wal Mart on Thursday and looked at Shea Butter--6 bucks!!  No way.  However, I found a bottle of witch hazel for $1.27 in the section with the rubbing alcohol.  What a deal...and it really works!  My face feels so sparkling fresh and clean when I use it!  So fresh that I dared to try some coconut oil on it as a moisterizer.  After applying the coconut oil, I dabbed additional witch hazel on my cheeks.  This is DAY 1 of the facial coconut oil moisterizer test.  I will give my face a week to discern if it likes it.  The CO gives my face a healthy glow--not oily or greasy, and it feels SO SOFT!!!!!!!!!!  Tomorrow I will mix the CO with aloe vera for easier spreading.

I purchased my tub of coconut oil in the cooking oils section at the grocery store.  It says right on the label 100% pure and natural....makes NON GREASY tortillas, etc.   Non greasy!  It really is true. My hair surely does like it, and I hope my face can adjust to it as well. 

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #2 - May 3rd, 2005 at 7:20pm
Tuesday, May 3, 2005

I made a mistake yesterday, about my current hairstyle--drawing back the hair ABOVE the ears and gently draping it, before pinning it at the neck, is what works for me.  I had tried it drawn back starting at the temples and also below the ears--each way gave a different variation of the style.  Definitely *above* the ears is what works and looks best, hanging "just right".

I washed my hair last night, and remembered to slather on a palmful of coconut oil BEFORE the wash. This keeps the length from getting too dried out and listless looking.

It is DAY 2 of my coconut oil face moisterizer trial.  So far, so good!  My face feels soft and healthily glowing.  I hope this keeps up...today I mixed aloe vera with the CO.  If I don't do that, I have to use way more oil to get all bases covered and I don't want to overdo it. First I anointed my face with witch hazel, of course.  That stuff is great, it really seems to do a good job on my face!

I don't think I like the 5-inch rule for curling my ends after all.  It looks too kinky/frizzy.  Well, maybe I can smooth out the frizz with a little coconut oil!  It does do wonders!  The benefits of the 5-inch rule are otherwise good--more waves near the ends of my hair.

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #3 - May 5th, 2005 at 3:47am
Wednesday, May 4, 2005

My hair felt and looked good today!  Tonight I have to wash it...and condition/oil it up so that it has some life to it.  It always looks best after one day, though sometimes I wait 3 or more days to wash it even though it starts to get REALLY oily on the 2nd day.  Washing every 2 days, especially during the upcoming warmer weather, seems the best deal.  Just more work.

It is day three of the coconut oil face moisterizer test.  I am amazed so far!  Witch hazel, aloe vera and natural coconut oil seem to be very beneficial to my face.  The CO is awesome, it gives such a healthy glow on hair and face without heaviness or greasiness.

Last night I braided my hair and curled it about half way down.  I don't think it gives enough waves that way.  Tonight I'll go back to the (approximately) 5 inch rule for the ends.

Tonight...yes, tonight!!!  It is almost tomorrow, so I had better sign off for now and get in the shower!  I really need a relaxing shower right now.  Dad and I spent the evening Mother's Day shopping, deliberating over which vaccuum cleaner to buy Mom.  We decided on one at closing time--only to change our minds about it almost right away!!!  We are going to exchange it tomorrow. Shopping is stressful!  Off to shower, then to bed!!!

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #4 - May 5th, 2005 at 7:18pm
Thursday, May 5, 2005

I never did wash my hair last night--too tired!  I really messed up on my 10 pm deadline for getting ready for bed.  Instead I shampooed my bangs and the hair around the front of my face--that got me through all right.  Sort of a mini scalp wash.  Maybe I should do scalp washes more often?  I haven't found a really good method, though.  I often end up with practically my whole updo soaked even though I try to place my head strategically under the shower spray. 

Day four of the coconut oil face moisterizing trial--I can't believe how good this is going so far!  Just so I remember for all posterity:  first rub witch hazel onto my face, followed by a fingertip's worth of coconut oil melted in my palm, and a dime size amount of aloe vera, mixed together well.  I spread it all over face and neck, plus a TINY amount of CO around my eyelid area.  Can't get too much near my eyelashes, for fear of inflammation.  I have to soak and scrub my eyelashes every day with baby shampoo and Q-tips or else they get inflamed.  I had to give up makeup forever last year after a bad infection, sties, etc.  Now I'm used to it, and it's great.  So natural and free and clean. 

I was researching the safety of aerobic dancing on concrete floors--that's what I have in my room, covered with tile of course.  It's supposed to cause all sorts of problems.  I'd better make sure not to leap around barefoot or sockfooted anymore, or even dance so much in my heels.  My pair of old, tight leather tennis shoes might be a better option for dancing and working out--but you just can't leap gracefully in tennis!  The shoes are not tight fitting, but I can draw the laces tighter and wear thick socks. Better that than shin splints, back problems, foot and leg problems, etc.
I watched a behind the scenes video of Riverdance once, and the lead dancer was practicing in tennis shoes!  So I'll give it a try.

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #5 - May 11th, 2005 at 7:34pm
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hi diary, good to be back!!!  A long weekend and a busy first-of-the-week has prevented me from being online for some days!

Needless to say, the one-week Great Coconut Oil Face Moisterizing Trial has been completed, and I have decided it is going to work.  Coconut oil continues to intrigue me with its softening, healing properties.

ON MY HAIR:  Grease up the length good, I mean REALLY GOOD before washing, and hair feels baby-soft afterwards.

On clean, dry hair, a little smoothed onto dry ends and onto length adds a light, natural shine.

ON MY FACE:  Apply generously right before washing--for me, that's in the evening before bed.  That's also when I wash my hair.  Massage gently into skin.  Coat eyebrows, lashes, etc.  Brush/floss teeth in the meantime, and when you are finished, wash face with a drop of baby shampoo.  Skin feels SUPER SOFT, JUST LIKE A BABY's!!!

Since I started the CO routine, I hardly recognize my own face in the mirror!  Even the scaly, red, irritated patch on my cheek is getting better!!!

It's PMS time, so NOTHING really suits me right now...my hair seems to me to look horrible and I feel so discouraged, but I go through this EVERY MONTH and the key is to just tell yourself that it will pass.  Things will get better!!  I wonder what the name of the hormone is that makes you feel so dissatisfied with your appearance, ESPECIALLY your HAIR, once a month???

I have SO MUCH to be grateful for, however, that I don't dare complain.

"Only the grateful keep the gift". 

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #6 - May 14th, 2005 at 7:55pm
Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hi diary, it's been a couple days.  Here's what's new:

HAIR:  I think I am going to try COing.  Shampoo (currently Pantene) seems to leave my hair sort of dull.  Then I have to use lots of leave-in conditioner to give it volume, and coconut oil for shine. Problem is, my scalp gets oily after a day or two.  Will COing work for me?  Diary, I'll let you know!

FACE:  Forget coconut oil.  And soap.  Coconut oil is not a sufficient moisterizer, I don't think.  And the soap I have been using is what is irritating my skin--not the store bought moisterizers I first suspected!  I think!  Am I right?  We shall see.  Last night after washing with soap some bumps on my face started to bleed, besides being red and rough.  I smoothed on some Cetaphil lotion.  Ahhhhhhhhh, instant relief.  By morning my face looked and felt great.  I gently soaked my face with hot water and a washcloth this morning, and then applied Dove Day Lotion, adding the heavier Cetaphil over my "bad" cheek.  What shall I do tonight?  Shall I "CO" my face as well as my hair?  I'm going to try it.

"Fickle is woman"--is that how the old saying goes????  I don't know if it's me or my skin or what!!!  Something's always changing!  Except my hairstyle.  It seems not to be happy any other way than in it's current fixture.  I added a new accessory to the clip (in the low back) that holds the drape of the sides, though---a backwards-facing 2-inch black butterfly clip gives a neat look over a plain black barrette, adding lift and keeping hair neatly in place.

Well, it's almost 4 pm...time for a nap!  I have to mow the lawn tonight, the grass is SO tall...I wish my hair grew as fast.  I am going to start pinning up or braiding my hair when I work outside.  I used to just wear it down, but I think I am risking breakage that way.


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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #7 - May 16th, 2005 at 11:12pm
Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm not feeling so good, and so I didn't wash my hair last night.  Just rinsed my bangs and that got me through the day. 

Last night, I used aloe vera gel for the first time to set my braid before bed!  What fantastic curls and waves in the morning!  I didn't have to use but a bit of hairspray in the back.  The aloe vera held wonderfully.

Maybe tonight I will try COing my hair.  I have abandoned soap for my face.  I am now washing it with Noxema at night, and using lotion lavishly in the morning.  My skin is loving it.

I trimmed my bangs a half inch last night, and almost instantly regretted it, as I quickly came up with a new frontal style that would have looked good with longer bangs.  Oh well...they will grow out quickly enough.  They always do!

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #8 - May 17th, 2005 at 11:49pm
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Actually I've been COing for a while now--my length only.  I've just never tried it on my scalp.  I tried it last night and knew as soon as the conditioner failed to spread on my scalp that we were headed for trouble.  I used my customary palmful of shampoo on my head instead.  I have lots of oil in my skin/scalp, so shampoo is really necessary. 

Before I washed I remembered to thoroughly drench my hair, especially the ends, with coconut oil.  Afterwards:  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SMOOOOOOOOTH and soft.

I towel dried my hair, then blowdried it a bit and added aloe vera.  I braided it and pinned it up for the night.  Morning:  flat and limp, no volume.  Nix that.

My face:  washing with Noxema at night, soaking with warm water in the morning and applying lotion is working! 

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #9 - May 21st, 2005 at 9:48pm
Saturday, May 21, 2005

I've been sick this past week.  I shampooed once and made a water/shampoo mixture in an old squeeze bottle, for my scalp.  A squirt of shampoo and maybe half a bottle of water--it cleaned my scalp great!!!  Usually I use a big handful of shampoo!!!

And of course, conditioner only on my length.  Washing is preceded by a thorough saturation with coconut oil on my entire length, especially the ends.

I would like to be inspired with a new hairstyle.  Maybe it's just because I'm feeling under the weather that I'm so dissatisfied with my hair?  I don't know!

Gotta run...it's almost time for the 6 o'clock news.

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #10 - May 23rd, 2005 at 8:41pm
Monday, May 23, 2005

Feeling much better today!!!  Was able to get up and about!!!  Plus:  an AWESOME HAIR DAY!!!  Here's what worked:

Last night:  A generous saturating with coconut oil.  Good thing it's cheap and you get a ton of it in a 2 pound tub, because this stuff is SO effective on hair!  A non-greasy oil----amazing!  Rubbed it onto my length and ends before shampooing.

Shampoo:  a squirt of shampoo in my empty squeeze bottle that lives on the shelf in my shower, plus half a bottle of water. Shake together thoroughly, apply to scalp.  Cleanses VERY effectively. Saves on shampoo, too.

Condition:  a straight palmful of conditioner as usual on the length, running my fingers through to detangle.

Drying:  Towel blotted dry.  Gentlly rubbed scalp with towel, let air dry as I made my final preparations for bedtime.  Blowdried for a couple minutes.

Braiding:  I tried something different--I added no conditioner or gel or anything.  I scooped my hair into a banana clip way on top of my head, and braided it into a single braid.  The banana clip somehow draws your hair right to the top, and you get waves close to your scalp.  I braided almost to the end of my length, then took about half of the braid plus the end and coiled that around near the base of the braid--not real close to the scalp, but farther down.  I enclosed the coil with a piece of material and secured with a claw-clip.  Then I pinned the coiled braid against my head with smaller claw clips.

Sleeping:  I found a 100% silk scarf in my dresser drawer last night, and I tied it around my head for sleeping--securing the knot near my forehead.  What a pleasant sleep it was--the silk was so smooth and comfortable! Best of all, good for my hair--no snagging or tearing!

This morning:  Oh, oh, oh, the curls and waves were gorgeous.  I made a little poof in front and let my length flow down my back, without drawing back the sides any.
Some squirts of hair spray completed the look and gave volume/hold. 

I think I may start shampooing EVERY night.  I certainly have enough oil on my scalp...my grandfather is 84 and he still has an oily scalp!!!  I guess I'm set for life, then! 

When I was a young teen (I'm in my 20's now)  I shampooed every day, brushed and curled and dried and colored and teased and tore, and my hair grew magnificently.  Now, it seems the more I pay attention to it, the less it grows.  While not intending to be harsh to it, I am going to just wash it every day and see what happens.  It's summer now, after all...

Oh yes, one more thing.  I NEVER brush or comb my hair now, and I never will.  I massage my scalp in the shower, and besides, whatever hair needs to come out comes out in the shower.  I think brushing needlessly damages one's locks.

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #11 - May 25th, 2005 at 8:29pm
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I washed my hair 2 days in a row, and it (my hair) did not like it.  It was dry and frizzy, just like in the cold winter months.  I am going back to washing it every other day or maybe even once a week, doing scalp washes in between.

Securing the material-wrapped end of my braid with a claw clip works, but securing the whole braid to my head with little claw clips does not.  They unfailingly eat my hair and I will have none of that.  Last night I tried bobby pins again, and they held SUPERIORLY with the banana clip on my head!!!  Just slide them in under the sides of the banana clip and there are no wobbles or undones the whole night.

Wearing my hair long with the sides gently drawn back starting at the temples is nice.  With a soft, wispy poof in front, of course.

FACE:  Straight lotion is a bit too oily for me, I think.  Today I blended some lotion with aloe vera for a less greasy moisterizer.

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #12 - May 26th, 2005 at 10:16pm
Thursday, May 26, 2005

I tried something new last night:  two side braids before I went to bed, with the ends curled up and clipped in place onto the length of the braid.

In the morning:  stunning results.  I was shocked.  The waves were nice (though not as close to my head as when I make a single high braid) and the end curls were simply fabulous!!!  I sprayed and scrunched with hairspray to make them last.  They are still here as I write!

I will try this tomorrow (or tonight, rather!) and see if the results are the same--or better!  Now if only I could find a scalp wash method that pleases me...

Also, I gathered up the hair from the front lower part of my ears into a poof on the top of my head.  It seems nice...better than gathering it by the temple area. 
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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #13 - Jun 1st, 2005 at 8:51pm
Wednesday, June 1, 2005

The first post of June.  Wow...

Looking forward to my hair drying faster in the evening when I wash it, now that warmer weather has arrived...

Every other day for a washing will probably be my routine.  If I go longer than that, it starts to get gunky.  Possibly I could go three days...I will try it.

Sleeping with twin braids, ends curled and wrapped in fabric/clipped with small claw clips.  Awesome waves and curls.  Hairspray and scrunching cause them to hold well.

I heard that hair grows faster in summer!!! I'm looking forward to that!  My longest hairs are tailbone length, but my whole length actually appears to be waist length--the waves/curls shorten the length a good six inches.  I would really like the whole curly/wavy length to LOOK tailbone length!!!

I'll be praying/waiting.

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Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs
Reply #14 - Jun 2nd, 2005 at 9:51pm
Thursday, June 2, 2005

Last night I bleached my dark brown bangs with peroxide.  I figured some highlights would look nice, especially in summer, and so I did it--figuring, of course, that it wouldn't really be permanent since I trim my bangs maybe a half inch every month.  HOWEVER...I got some bleach farther up than my bang line, and I have sort of a neat looking highlighted streak in the little poof above my bangs!  But....

I wish I'd never done it!  Yet, part of me thinks it adds flair to my hair...

I wish I could get the bangs part a little blonder.  Probably if I peroxide it again and go sit out in the hot sun, it will bleach lighter and lighter.  Maybe I'll try it, maybe I won't...God knew what He was doing when He made me a brunette.  And my natural color is so nice.  Why am I not satisfied???

Well...I justified my actions this way: I have nice natural black eyebrows, and I figured that a lighter bang would show them off even more!!!  They say your eyebrows should be lighter than your hair color, but I disagree.  I think darker brows with lighter hair is nice.  Not TOO dark or out of place, but a little darker...

Okay, the deed is done.  Might as well go all the way. I'm going to apply more peroxide on the bangs and go sit out on the porch in the sun for a little while, before supper. 

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