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Styling Survey (Read 5920 times)

Posts: 1671
Styling Survey
May 1st, 2005 at 8:54am
May's survey is here  Grin
Let's give each other some inspiration!

1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

2. Why is it your favourite?

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

Here are my answers:

1. Cinnabun or scarf bun. And French braid.

2. French braid is my night hairstyle. I love cinnabuns because they're fast to make and I can wear my hairsticks with them. Scarf buns are protective, more casual and work well even when my hair is very slippery.

3. As long as hair is healthy and long, I'm inspired of it. Style doesn't matter.

4. Longhairloom is great. I love Starfilly's site, but my hair is still too short for her styles. I also find inspiration from hairstyles in scifi movies.

5. No.

6. Aloe Vera gel.

7. LL hairsticks and bandana scarves.

8. Very important- my hair is so fragile.

9. My hair is often very slippery. Then I just go for some simple style, use a bun net or a scarf to tame it.

10. Nothing comes to my mind right now...
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1bFii/waist length&&&&The flowers of wonder&&And the hidden treasures&&In the meadow of life&&My acre of heaven&&&&T. Holopainen/Nightwish
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Posts: 426
Gender: female
Re: Styling Survey
Reply #1 - May 1st, 2005 at 11:45am
May's survey

1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

I wear a cinnamon bun every day I'm working. I often wear my hair down when I'm not working.

2. Why is it your favourite?

It's fast and easy to put up, and it stays til I take it down.

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

I enjoy seeing quality updos (not faked messy ones), because they are such a rare thing, given the scarcity of long, blunt-cut hair. I often see buns on the girls who wear headscarves, though. Braided updos are nice, I see those on some of the African girls.

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

I don't search for new hairstyles per se. Considering how often I'm on the web, I occasionally run into something inspiring. I might look through wig sites for hair addition pieces that I can fake at home, like curly bits or add-on braids, rolls, or structural additions.

I already have loads of hairstyles that I haven't mastered yet. That's where I start when I want to do something different.

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?

Never, ever.

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?


7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?

I don't use hairtoys. I fasten my hair up with hairpins. Hairsticks won't hold my hair up comfortably and securely (one or the other, not both). Only giant claw clips can hold my hair (I think it would take two at this point, given how much hair mass I've added in the past year). Most hairtoys just slip out of my hair. When I'm making a bun, after forming it but before pinning it down I press it flat to my scalp and stick something through it - a pencil, crochet hook, chopstick, etc. This keeps the center from popping out, which would make the bun hard to pin down securely.

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

If something's not friendly to my hair type and length, I can't do it at all. Hairstyles that require lots of damaging styling don't work for me anyway.

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?

The only "persistent styling problem" I have is that long, straight, silky, blunt-cut hair can't do lots of things that shorter and/or wavy/curly hair will. The "pile the ends loosely on top" or "tuck in the ends" bit was written for someone with hair very different from mine.

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

A hair mannequin has been very helpful to me in learning braiding and twisting techniques.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Sagebrush Steppes
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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #2 - May 1st, 2005 at 4:30pm
What is Starfilly's site?  I'm always on the lookout for new styles.    And lately some of the old standbys aren't working so well.  Maybe my hair is finally starting to get LONG!! Wink

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Posts: 189
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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #3 - May 2nd, 2005 at 7:36pm
May's survey is here  
Let's give each other some inspiration!

1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

See my personal hair journal, May 2, 2005.

2. Why is it your favourite?

It looks so bridal, feminine, romantic, and soft.  (I'm hopeless, okay...)

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

I like to see all kinds. 

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

The mirror.  I stand there experimenting until I find something that works.

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?

I use a blow drier after I wash it--every 2 or 3 days.  

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?

Tresemme Revitalizing Conditioner as a leave in hair fattener, applied after I blowdry it.  Coconut oil on top of that for shine and frizz control.  A bit of hairspray for holding my bangs.

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?

Plastic hair combs and simple metal barettes--just things to keep my hair in place, not toys really.  

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

Oh, very...if I accidentally rip out a hair I am crushed.  I console myself by saying that it must have been its time to go.

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?

Thin ends. Never fail to add the fattening conditioner after I have washed and dried it, and never fail to braid it tightly and curl the end of the braid.  

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

Adding conditioner to clean, dry hair (a quarter size maybe?)  is an INSTANT FATTENER FOR FINEHAIRS OUT THERE!!!  

Curling the end of your braid...coil it around the braid like you would do a rag curl.  Enclose the end with a small thin piece of fabric or tissue.  Secure with a butterfly clip (1 inch works for me).  Coil around top of head and pin with large bobby pins.  To avoid tearing hair out, I  pried open the pins a little.  Thread thru the braid and it will hold nicely overnight.  No ripped hairs!!!
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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
Gender: female
Re: Styling Survey
Reply #4 - May 5th, 2005 at 11:28pm
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?
half up-do, finally starting get be able to wear tolerable french braid or a bun in a bun cover

2. Why is it your favourite? French braid

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down? I enjoy seeing a variety of styles.

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle? here, at LongLocks; the Loom; and general "hair shopping" in real life

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often? No - my blow dryer and curling iron are very lonely since I got serious about growing my hair long Wink

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what? aloe vera gel, I've also been experimenting with mixing it with some jojoba oil

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer? hum...I don't have too many yet.  I like some hairpins with a "gem" on the curved end I got...my (homemade) bun covers....scrunchies (homemade)...claw clips large and minis

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles? Trying to take that into consideration.

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it? my layers!  use the aloe gel to help tame them into the style, the "wide" scrunchies help hold some of the "almost caught, but not quite" strands, the "gem" topped hairpins can be tucked into the french braid where some ends are trying to work loose and look pretty while keeping the ends in the braid

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share? take time to practice, and give yourself plenty of time to do the style before you're running out the door (should listen to my own advice more often Wink)

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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #5 - May 6th, 2005 at 12:34am
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?
Bun, I think.
2. Why is it your favourite?
It shows off my long neck, it keeps my hair out of my eyes and allows me to wear my LL hairsticks.
3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?
I love to see updos and braids-to me it says the person cares about their hair and they feel good about themselves.
4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?
I have some books, but mostly I play around and see what happens.
5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?
Not anymore.  There's dust on my blowdryer, curling iron, flat iron and hot rollers.  Once in a great while I'll use the hot rollers, but I'm working on perfecting rag curls so I won't have to.

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?
I recently stopped using anything but a few drops of jojoba w/ eo (usually sandalwood).  If I want to wear my hair curly, I do use about a tablespoon of gel.
7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?
I'm really all about the LL hairsticks.  I have 3 scrunchies, some micro-mini claw clips with rhinestone flowers and some little combs that match.  I really like my hairtoys to be sparkly.
8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?
Very.  I often think of scalp comfort when putting hair up or playing with new style.
9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?
No.  I don't fight with my hair when it wants to do something other than what I had planned.
10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?
Love you hair like you would a plant.  Nurture it and be patient and it will respond in kind.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
Gender: female
Re: Styling Survey
Reply #6 - May 6th, 2005 at 11:25pm
Wise Sakina wrote: Quote:
9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it? 
No.  I don't fight with my hair when it wants to do something other than what I had planned.
10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share? 
Love you hair like you would a plant.  Nurture it and be patient and it will respond in kind. 

Great advice!  I need to remember not to fight it in the early morning.  Knowing I really can't make my hair grow, but I can try to provide the right conditions for growth to occur then be patient for it to respond.  Thank you, O Wise Sakina!
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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
Gender: female
Re: Styling Survey
Reply #7 - May 6th, 2005 at 11:45pm
I wrote: Quote:
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often? 
half up-do, finally starting get be able to wear tolerable french braid or a bun in a bun cover

I have to modify this answer after today's experience:
Sometimes I have to put on an "isolation gown" at work.  The top is fastened at the neck in back with a tape strip.  With my half up-do, my hair was getting pulled and caught by the tape strip.  I thought I would have a fistful of hair on the tape strip before I could take the gown off Sad.  Fortunately that didn't happen, but it was a good warning.  I will have to be more diligent in putting my hair up every morning to protect it from such hair enemies.
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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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2b/2c F/Niii Mohagany

Posts: 78
Gender: female
Re: Styling Survey
Reply #8 - May 7th, 2005 at 4:32am
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?
that "princess Fiona" braid - single braid, scrunchie at top and bottom.

Close second: Two long pigtail braids set just behind the ears topped with a bandana.  Great for camping.  It's second only because it does take longer to do than the single braid, and I'm really lazy in the mornings.

2. Why is it your favourite?
Fast, easy, and durable.  No fuss, and it's out of my way

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?
Really depends on the person... always liked braided pigtails.  Most important is that it harmonizes with the face and body.

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?
Movies... other people's hair...  pictures... if it looks neat, I'll try it once.

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?
Ick, no!  They take too long and don't do too much for me.

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?
Um... does olive oil count?

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?
the blend of pretty and functional - and unusual too.  I go for bright colors and interesting touches, but above all it's got to stay in and do its job.  Otherwise, it's just annoying.

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

Well... a lot, really.  It's counterproductive to do stuff to it that will make it tear or fray, right?  It's got to be gentle, and work with my texture

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?
Puffy, puffy hair!  Wearing it down, it'll pouff into my face no matter how long it gets, and gets all tangled from the curliness.  Also, fly aways drive me batty nuts, tickling my nose.  Bandannas do great keeping it out of the way, and little claw clippies control the forward fluff when I wear it down.

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

Twist the strands as you braid - it locks and stays longer.  Also, less is more, unless you're going to prom.  I've gotten the most compliments from tying the mess up into a knot and holding it with claw clips... which takes all of 10 seconds.  Go figure.  If a style annoys you, drop it and find something that works, and don't be afraid to alter it as your hair grows and changes.
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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #9 - May 8th, 2005 at 7:19am
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

   UP mostly cinnabun

2. Why is it your favourite?

    It's so easy, it keeps my hair out of my face, protects it and I can vary where I put it and which direction I twist so that I can distribute any damage

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

    Absolutely prefer to see it down but totally understand why it's not always a choice

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

     Around the various hairboards - shopping at Costco - major long hair population there - a lot of Asian and Hispanic women

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?

    Probably once every week a little to speed it up if I'm going to be lying down on a pillow reading - it's not really for styling

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?

    No - I have some stickum just in case I ever feel the need to be tidy

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?

    Sticks and Forks

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

     It's EVERYthing

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?

     Whispies - I don't deal with it except for stickem in emergency situations

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

     Yea!  I love to divide my hair into three or four cinnabuns when it's almost dry - when I take it down - woo woo waves and smoothness
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #10 - May 8th, 2005 at 6:14pm
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

Front twisted and held in back (don't know the name of it)

2. Why is it your favourite?
Quick, easy, looks great!

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

Braids, buns, french twists, cornrows...

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

Movies, old paintings, the net, magazines.

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?


6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?

None, tossed out that stuff  long ago..

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?
Hairsticks, snoods, hair buckles.

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

Very, don't want to undo the hard work!

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?

Hair licks!  Shocked AAH!!  What I do is just change the part around...

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

When in doubt put it in a ponytail!  Grin
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Carpe Diem Noctemque

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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #11 - May 9th, 2005 at 3:01pm
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

A simple bun (or I just let my hair down with a pair of clips to hold the mass of it out of my face)

2. Why is it your favourite?

Favourite?? I HATE buns! But it's the only thing my klutzy fingers can do

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

I like some braids, half up styles and most of all lovely, healthy, shiny hair let down. Glorious

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

Well, I've found so many on the net, but I can still do like one of them, so no need to search for more. It would only add to the frustration  Grin Angry

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?

No. I've used a hair dryer like ten or twenty times in my entire life - and that only on real emergencies

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?

Nope. Never have. I fell in love with rose water does that count? (Galadriel, it's your fault  Grin Grin)

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?

Well, I like them understated and/or sparkly. Mainly it's hairsticks as you may all know by now. LL=hairsticks
But I got me a couple of "strands" of silver metal with attached tiny stars for Xmas that you clip to your hair with a small pin.  It's so kewl to see the way someone's eyes open wide when the hidden glimpse catch him/her unawares!

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

Haven't acquired that mentality all that much yet. But since I've had long or longer-than-average hair most of my life, I think it's either in my DNA by now, or it will never be there

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?

Ummm, does "not being able to style at all" count?  Wink

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

Who, me??? You got to be kidding!  Grin Grin

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WWW greek_lady  
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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #12 - May 9th, 2005 at 9:09pm
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?

Up.  Depends on my hair's mood.  Lately a simple bun or horseshoe bun.

2. Why is it your favourite?

They're quick and I can wear hairsticks with them. 

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?

Updos and braids

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?

Good old Google.

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?

I haven't for years.  My hair's so thick my arms would get tired long before it dried.

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?

Very occasionally.  Hairspray to tame the wispies around my face.

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?


8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?

The longer my hair gets the more important it becomes.

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem?   
How do you deal with it?

I have to be careful to balance my hairstyles or I'll get a headache.
Mainly through trial and error.  When my hair was longer I'd braid my hair in the front to decrease the bulk of hair I was dealing with.

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?

None that I can think of.

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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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1bFii (actually gone from
i to ii since joining!)

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Re: Styling Survey
Reply #13 - May 14th, 2005 at 2:09am
1. What hairstyle do you wear most often?
Hmm..that changes a bit...lately though, I've been wearing a lot of half-updos, just securing the top half of my hair at the back with a french twist comb (I'm so in love with these! I wish I'd discovered them sooner! My slippery hair is so hard to hold but these do the trick...)...I also do a lot of high loose messy-looking buns (but I make sure not to damage my hair with them Wink )

2. Why is it your favourite?
I'm liking the half-updo because it lets me have most of my hair down without getting it tangled, like if I'm at work or uni. The buns I like because they look very Audrey Hepburn and they show off my neck - my dad's always told me I have a nice neck Roll Eyes And they stop my hair from getting damaged by wind, etc.

3. What kind of styles do you like seeing on others: updos, braids, half up styles or hair down?
Healthy, shiny hair is always gorgeous...But I always love to see long loose hair on women, it's so feminine. Although most of them look like their hairdresser has taken to their hair with a razor - and the thought of that makes me a bit terrified! Shocked razors = split ends = bad...

4. Where do you search when you are looking for a new hairstyle?
Sometimes I buy hair magazines and flip through them for ideas, other times I look on the net...Nowhere in particular though.

5. Do you use any heated appliances when you style your hair? If yes, what and how often?
After my hair has air-dried about 80%, I blowdry it on the cool setting just to get rid of those annoying kinks. If I've got something special on, I *might* use a ceramic straightener, but only for about 20 seconds - my hair doesn't take long to straighten.

6. Do you use any styling products? If yes, what?
After I've smoothed a few drops of jojoba through my ends, I like to spray a bit of Sunsilk's Anti-Flat Volumizing Spray on the roots - there are no nasty ingredients in there, mostly just wheat protein - and also a little bit of the KMS Sea Salt Spray, just to give me a little extra volume. I have very fine, flat hair Undecided

7. What kind of hairtoys do you prefer?
French twist combs Smiley I'm amazed at how well they hold my hair - everything else usually falls out. And hairsticks, of course - I've yet to get some from this site though Smiley I'll have to save up! I can't wait though.

8. How important is hair-friendliness to you when you style your hair or think of new styles?
Very important. My hair is very very very fine and delicate and damages easily if it's not treated properly, so if a style looks like it's going to be bad for me, it's definitely a no-go.

9. Do you have any persistent styling problem? How do you deal with it?
Hmm...well, my hair is wavy in all the wrong places. That said, it straightens out really easily with a couple of minutes of cool blowdrying, so it's not a huge issue. It's at a weird length though at the moment - it's a few inches past my shoulders, so because the ends sit on my shoulders they always curl up like Pippy Longstocking! Also, there are the frizzies - the jojoba seems to take care of that though. And I'm always using products to get more volume Smiley

10. Do you have any styling tips you'd like to share?
Hmm...not really!
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