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Washing Poll (Read 5394 times)

Posts: 1671
Washing Poll
Apr 1st, 2005 at 8:11am
April's good time for spring cleaning and hair washing poll. Smiley Have fun!

1. How often do you wash your hair?

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)

4. Why have you chosen your current method?

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?

7. How do you dry your hair?

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.

My answers

1. I try to wash every four days, but sometimes I have to wash on 3rd day, and rarely I can wait until 5th day.

2. Yes. I'd like to be able to wash my hair just once a week, but at the moment it seems that I'm stuck to washing every 4 days.  Undecided But I haven't given up!


4. I just like it. I like the clean feeling that shampooing gives to my hair, but I also like to keep my troublesome ends well conditioned.

5.Body Shop Olive Oil shampoo& Honey conditioner, LV shampoo. Body Shop amlika leave-in conditioner occassionally. I'm waiting eagerly receiving my Chagrin Craft shampoo bars, though.

6.Yes, about every two weeks or when I feel like it. Right now I use diluted ACV, but I really can't tell, what's the difference between it and white wine vinegar. Both work well for me.

7. I pat my scalp gently with towel (never rubbing!) and squeeze ends gently with towel. Then I comb my hair with celluloid comb, possibly add leave-in, and bun it or put it in a ponytail with scrunchie for air drying.

8.Evening! My hair takes hours to air dry, so washing in the evening is easier.

9. No.

10.Don't pile hair on top of your head while you're washing. Use shampoo only for scalp. And be gentle when you are drying your hair. Nothing really special, but learning these things has made my hair much better.
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1bFii/waist length&&&&The flowers of wonder&&And the hidden treasures&&In the meadow of life&&My acre of heaven&&&&T. Holopainen/Nightwish
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Posts: 514
mostly here, sometimes not
Gender: female
Re: Washing Poll
Reply #1 - Apr 1st, 2005 at 7:36pm
April's good time for spring cleaning and hair washing poll. Smiley Have fun!

1. How often do you wash your hair?

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)

4. Why have you chosen your current method?

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?

7. How do you dry your hair?

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.

My Answers:

1.  3x/week on Sun, Tues, and Thurs.  Occasionally Sat. if I have a meeting or the like.

2.  I tried to cut down to 2x/week, but my scalp is way too oily.

3.  C-COW-C

4.  I tried CO, but it overconditioned my hair.  Then I started diluting my shampoo since I was almost out and I was trying to make it last till shopping day.  That worked so well my length was actually over-cleaned, so I added conditioner to compensate. 

5.  Various VO5 conditioners, but NOT the moisture milks.  I do have some Suave conditioners I haven't tried yet.  Shampoo right now is Herbal Essence, but I have some Chagrin Falls shampoo bars on order, too  Wink

6.  I ACV rinse about 2x/month.  Occasionally I'll add a splash of ACV in my final herbal rinse.

7.  I put it in a microfiber turban towel till bedtime, then detangle, add leave=in, braid it and go to bed.  The length is still damp in the am, but dries over the day.

8.  Evening.  In college I shared a suite with a bunch of nursing students and to shower in the am I'd have had to get up a 4am.  I've showered at night since.

9.  I"ve done scalp washes a few times, but my hair's so oily it doesn't work too well.  I just use it for emergencies.

10.  My hair is very thick and diluting the shampoo (even if you don't add conditioner) seems to clean my scalp better.
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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I love Long Hair!

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Los Angeles, CA
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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #2 - Apr 1st, 2005 at 11:14pm
1. How often do you wash your hair?
Every other day.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded? Tried to wait longer than every other day but can't stand my hair being dirty. Tongue

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO) Warm water than shampoo.

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
Been doing it this way for years and works for me.  Wink

5. What products do you use for washing & conditioning your hair?
I use a different shampoo every time I was my hair, I have a couple dozen different types and brands. I don't use conditioner because it makes my hair too oily.

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?

7. How do you dry your hair?
Towel dry and then air dry, usually dries fast (at least to the touch) within an hour .

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?
Evening usually around 7 in the evening unless I am going out for the evening.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
No, I stick with what works for me.  Cheesy

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
Roll EyesJust don't blow dry.

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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

Posts: 812
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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #3 - Apr 2nd, 2005 at 12:41am
1. How often do you wash your hair?
every 4-5 days

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?
my hair has always needed less washing when it is longer, so it was almost effortless for me  Smiley

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)
C-COW-C !! (Thanks Anais for sharing this on the boards, it works great!)

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
It works great!

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?
Suave Fresh Mountain Strawberry - had this before joining LL, and between decreasing washings and diluting the shampoo & conditioner it'll last me forever!

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?
yes, about every 2 weeks (I haven't a set schedule) I use apple cider vinegar

7. How do you dry your hair? 
gently wrap in a towel, then switch to a microfiber turban, then air dry

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?
still experimenting here.  I'd like to do it in the evenings so it is dry to put up for work in the morning, but I'm usually too tired, or have to rush out to a meeting in the evening, so I've gravitated back to the morning.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
tried cold water rinses for a while but decided the result (or lack thereof) wasn't worth the brrrrrr
tried CO'ing but didn't think it really lengthened the time between needing a shampoo
the C-COW-C seems to give me the best of all worlds, my hair/scalp get clean and my hair doesn't dry out from the shampoo

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
When the conditioner is about 1/4 to 1/3 full, add water to fill and shake it up - easier to apply just where you want it.  I plan to do this with the shampoo when that bottle is emptier - I'll dilute the shampoo and add some conditioner so it's already for the COW stage and I won't have to mix as I go each time.
Doing a towel turban for a few minutes, then switching to a microfiber turban for a few more minutes before finger combing to air dry helps dry my hair faster in the morning
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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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Carpe Diem Noctemque

Posts: 698
Gender: female
Re: Washing Poll
Reply #4 - Apr 2nd, 2005 at 1:17pm
1. How often do you wash your hair?
I have always washed my hair once a week. Sometimes I can go up to 9 days but it's not by choice. And I sometimes have to go down to once in 5 days if I've been spending exceedingly much time downtown or too hot weather or something.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?
Not really. I can go down to once in five days if I want to, but I don't want to get used to that.

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)
Well, I just wash my hair, scalp, length, the works. I love the clean feeling. I have used conditioner like 20times in my whole life, but reading what you all got to say here I am thinking I may need to change that. I don't like the "weighing down" of the hair when you condition them, though. I rinse out even the leave-in conditioning water I have used a few times.

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
Because I like to feel my hair clean.

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?
I've mostly used a Pantene Pro-V for "silky hair". But since reading all you have to say against -cones, I recently switched to the deep cleaning Pantene Shampoo. I have one bottle of Rilken leave-in tonic water but it's been there forever.

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?
The shampoo I use is for deep cleansing all product build-up etc so no need for more I think.

7. How do you dry your hair?
Wrap it in a towel and when most of the moisture is gone I just let it air dry.

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?
From midday onwards most of the time. But it's nice when I can do it in the morning and have fully dry hair when I go to bed.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
Don't have anything special to say.
I just love very much an Indian (as in from India) hair oil that has jasmine in it and my hair smells divine afterwards. Dabur Jasmin hair oil. But they don't ship overseas.Maybe you can find it locally.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
I think less is more.
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WWW greek_lady  
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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #5 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 12:34am
1. How often do you wash your hair?
Every other day

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?
A few years ago I tried washing it everyday (a bad idea, I know).  I went back to every other day about two-three years ago.

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)
On wash days, WC. On the other days, CO.

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
I can't get myself to let my hair go without a wash for more than a couple of days.  The length is dry so I have to condition everyday.

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?
Nature's Gate jojoba shampoo and keratin conditioner.

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?
Yes, once a month with clarifying shampoo.

7. How do you dry your hair?
Wrap it in a towel and then let it air dry.

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
Well, I did leave the Body Shop's Brazil Nut Moisture Mask on overnight.  My hair felt really nice after I washed it. 

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
For the people that wash everyday, use a light shampoo/conditioner.  My roommate washes everyday with Garnier Fructise b/c she says her scalp is oily, but I think it's only adding to that problem.
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2b/2c F/Niii Mohagany

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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #6 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 4:29pm
1. How often do you wash your hair?
Every 3 days or so - as soon as I get the greasies at the top.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?
Yeah... doesn't work too well, too greasy and manky without much benefit.  Every 3 seems a golden number.

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)
Soak the ends in CO all night, then apply a mix of S and C to the scalp, hold the length up as I rinse, then rinse the whole thing.  Then condition AGAIN, with 1/2 honey CO.

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
It works, minimal shampoo I can stand

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?
CO a variety of non-SLF, non--Cone stuff (current fav, Nature's gate biotin). In a frizz emergency, I'll use a CO with a leetle bit of cone, Marc Anthony Curly Long for a choice.  Shampoo, Trader Joe's Nourish. 

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?
Once a week or so, apple cider vinegar rinse

7. How do you dry your hair? 
Light towel, then Air, Air, Air...

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?
Evening, Roomie gets the morning.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
I do scalp washing when I've not time to do the whole.  Mixed sucess, often it'll dry funny and make the whole thing frizzier.  But it works in a pinch.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
For frizziness, nothing beats an overnight soak in CO.  I cover the ends in CO, put it in a plastic baggie held with a scrunchie, then sleep.  You can cover it with a scarf bun and extend it through the day too.
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

Posts: 1265
Bill Gates' backyard, WA
Gender: female
Re: Washing Poll
Reply #7 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 7:59pm
Another Galadriel survey! Cheesy

1. How often do you wash your hair? About every 5 days, as long as I do a cold water scalp rinse on the 4th day.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded? Yes, I want to go for a week without washing. So far I'm gonna have to stick with 5 days.

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO) Wow, I'm surprised that two people have already responded C-COW-C! Grin I do COW-CC every five days. Sometimes I replace the COW-CC with a CCC.

4. Why have you chosen your current method? anything with a COW is going to make the shampoo milder, without drying out the scalp too much. Then again, I still want to reduce my usage of shampoo. The occasional CCC allows me to do that.

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair? Kirkland Marine Algae shampoo, diluted with V05 Sunkissed Raspberry. the other two C's are Suave Milk and Honey and Kirkland Lemon Gingerroot with phenyltrimethicone. I've also found that layering cones OVER the coneless will minimize cone damage.

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use? ACV rinse every 1.5 weeks or every two washes.

7. How do you dry your hair? squeezing in a microfiber supertowel. And then I drape the towel like a nun. It doesn't dry completely. Eventually I either wet comb until dry, wet braid, wet bun, or sock curl.

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer? Evening, so that I can braid damp or sock curl for bed.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience. I did a combination of CO and water only for a month in February. It was CO once a week, water only the rest of the time. Scalp didn't like it.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
Use cones OVER a coneless. This will minimize the exposure of a cone to your cuticle, and prevent that flaking off that usually takes your cuticle with it.
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Posts: 96
Pacific Northwest
Gender: female
Re: Washing Poll
Reply #8 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 8:46pm
1. How often do you wash your hair?
Every day.  About a month ago I switched from shampooing every day to CO most days, and shampoo only on Sundays.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?
I'm going to give it another month of CO, then try to cut back to every other day COing.  I'll let you know.  Went three days last week due to illness, but ended up a major greaseball.

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)
CO M-Sat, Shampoo on Sunday.

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
Y'all's advice!  Less damaging, gives my hair much nicer condition.

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?
Sense by Usana.  Love 'em!  Anyone want my collection of products I don't use any more?

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?
Once a week.  Sense Splash Shampoo.

7. How do you dry your hair?
Wring with towel, then air dry.

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?
Morning, unless I'm going to the gym at lunch, then afternoon.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
Rose water.  Perfect for my flyaways!

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
Don't be afraid to try new things!
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Long hair is considered bohemian, which may be why I grew it, but I keep it long because I love the way it feels, part cloak, part fan, part mane, part security blanket.&&&&Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
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1a/1b F ii

Posts: 178
Gender: female
Re: Washing Poll
Reply #9 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 9:12pm
1. How often do you wash your hair?
-About every three or four days, sometimes more though if my hair feels gritty enough to need it.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?
-Not lately I havent, every three or four days seems to do pretty well for me.

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO)
-WC, and occasionally I've tried CWC.

4. Why have you chosen your current method?
-It just seems to do well with my hair and habits for the time being and my hair feels clean for a fair amount of time.

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?
-I have this habit of switching shapoo around, and after finishing off one kind I'll try something different, however I've been using the V05 Kiwi/Lime conditioner for a while now.

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use?
-Beyond my conditioner (which is a clarifying conditioner) no, I don't really.

7. How do you dry your hair? 
-If I have time then I usually just let it down to air dry, if I'm more in a hurry to get things done then I'll put it up in a towel.

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?
-I wash at 3:30 pm on the dot.

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.
-Not yet, but I would like to sometime.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.
-Nothing you ladies don't already know, I've gotten most of my tips from ya'll. Smiley
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&&...&&&&--formerly BardicLove
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Turning my gold to silver
one hair at a time

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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #10 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 10:47pm
-I wash at 3:30 pm on the dot.

HOW does that happen?  You must be wa-a-ay more organized than I'll ever be! Tongue

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30.75" ~78cm/waist&&1bFii&&&&"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself.  Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  The Message Mark 10:27
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1a/1b F ii

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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #11 - Apr 4th, 2005 at 12:58am
HOW does that happen?  You must be wa-a-ay more organized than I'll ever be! Tongue


Well, I'm in for a half an hour, and timing it like that I get to watch Gilmore Girls while my hair dries.
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&&...&&&&--formerly BardicLove
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La nuit a des douceurs
de femme

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Re: Washing Poll
Reply #12 - Apr 6th, 2005 at 7:43pm
1. How often do you wash your hair?  Scalp wash every 3 days or so, full length wash once a week.

2. Have you tried to change the frequency of washing? If yes, how have you succeeded?  When I was washing all of my hair at every washing I was managing every four days, but I don't mind 3 now with the scalp wash.  Keeps it looking better

3. What is your washing method? (eg. WC, CWC, CO) Condition with a load of Jojoba oil the night before the wash, then wet hair and put conditioner on the length while washing the scalp with 1/2 and 1/2 conditioner and shampoo, rinse, then condition the length again.  As a final added bonus, either a leave-in condish or a bit of Jojoba oil applied to the ends.

4. Why have you chosen your current method? Because my length is dry and needs the extra conditioner and the condish/poo mix is just the best for my scalp!  No top of the head frizzies!  Yay!   Cheesy

5. What products do you use for washing& conditioning your hair?  I like Aussie and Dove poo's; always the extra condish kind.  Conditioners are Pantene Pro-V extra mositurizing for the scalp and the three minute deep condish extra moisturizing for the length.  The leave-in condish is Aussie.

6. Do you clarify? If yes, how often and what product do you use? Every 2/3 weeks with Red Wine Vinegar.

7. How do you dry your hair?  Air dry!

8. Are you evening or morning hair washer?  depends.  Usually in the morning

9. Have you tried anything special (scalp washes, water only etc.)? If yes, share us your experience.  Scalp washes!  Works wonders when you're in a pinch and need to get going soon.

10. If you have any tips related to hair washing, share them with us.   Try something new!  You may never know what may work.
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