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Spaceygirl - let's give it a whirl! (Read 3286 times)

Curls are not for cowards!

Posts: 22
Johannesburg, South Africa
Gender: female
Spaceygirl - let's give it a whirl!
Jan 6th, 2005 at 6:45pm
Finally! I've managed to work out how to put my pic on the site. Thanks Bikerbraid! Although I must say,  I look tubbier in the pic than I do in real life. (Who am I trying to kid? Wink)

Oh, right..Hair. Well, mine seems to be behaving itself, even though its forty degrees plus outside and the daily rain-storms aren't even making it frizz. Bloomin' amazing! My younger sister noticed the length when we were in the pool today and quipped "Gee, that could do with a cut". Dream on baby! No scissors are coming near this head for at least six months, and then only to trim. But then she is a hair-stylist so maybe she knows what she's talking about. Hmmm, decisions....
But, if I cut it I wont be able to use all my hair goodies. (Go on, ask me how many hair accessories I have! Ask me. I dare you!)
Okay, its late so I'm getting cranky, past midnight and its work tomorrow (Yay! Friday!) so I'm off to the land of nod. Just have to work out how to unbead these braids..aha...this could take a while....

Friday, 7th January

Wow! The whole day I've been complimented on my hair. The funny thing is that all I did this morning was wet it and leave it. No products. No accessories. Just freezing cold water.
I woke up five minutes before I was supposed to leave for work so had no time for primping.  I also have no make-up on. (That could account for all the head-ache pills people keep bringing me!)

Friday, 14th January 2005
I ordered "Curly Girl" by Lorainne Massey and "388 Great Hairstyles" and my books arrived today! I'm so excited - I can't wait to try out new ideas. I have a feeling that CG is going to have a profound effect on my haircare.

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« Last Edit: Jan 14th, 2005 at 4:57pm by Spaceybabe »  
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Posts: 1671
Re: Spaceygirl - let's give it a whirl!
Reply #1 - Jan 7th, 2005 at 4:59am
Oh yes. The hairstylists. They seem to view hair as material that should be cut and chemically teased until one can't do anything to it anymore and still have it. Roll Eyes
At that point they call it good looking- long hair grower would call it destructiong. I guess that beauty is in the eye of beholder...

Sooo...how many hair accessories do you have? I'm accessory addict and always interested.  Grin
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1bFii/waist length&&&&The flowers of wonder&&And the hidden treasures&&In the meadow of life&&My acre of heaven&&&&T. Holopainen/Nightwish
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Curls are not for cowards!

Posts: 22
Johannesburg, South Africa
Gender: female
Re: Spaceygirl - let's give it a whirl!
Reply #2 - Jan 7th, 2005 at 10:31am
I have 112 hair accessories, mostly barettes and clips. (I've counted a pair of clips as one accessory Smiley)
I have them categorised into seasons, so that every three months I open a new box of hair goodies. (It's like Christmas!)
Okay, now you can tell me I'm weird, I don't mind.
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Posts: 1671
Re: Spaceygirl - let's give it a whirl!
Reply #3 - Jan 7th, 2005 at 10:49am
But...but...that's a GREAT idea! I have only "summer" and "winter" collections, and they overlap as I wear my favourite toys the year around. *goes to find some little boxes*

If you're weird, then I am too. Grin
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1bFii/waist length&&&&The flowers of wonder&&And the hidden treasures&&In the meadow of life&&My acre of heaven&&&&T. Holopainen/Nightwish
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Curls are not for cowards!

Posts: 22
Johannesburg, South Africa
Gender: female
Re: Spaceygirl - let's give it a whirl!
Reply #4 - Jan 8th, 2005 at 4:46pm
I categorise my collection like this:

Summer:  Anything clear, white, glittery, light, bright colours and anything to do with the "seaside", ie: fish, dolphins, starfish, shells etc.
Autumn:  All earthy tones and anything texturised, leaf motifs, pebbled barettes.
Winter: This is when I wear my velvet bows and heavy snoods and fluffy white scunchies. Anything Gothic and heavily jewelled. Lots of black, purple and deep tones.
Spring: Yay! Birdies and bunnies and blossoms! Anything pretty, floral and girly.

I also organise my earrings like this. (I have a fetish for earrings too!) And lipsticks, I also have a fetish for lipsticks. I have 98 lipsticks.

I know I'm a strange little creature. Many people have told me so.  Tongue
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