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I've noticed that... (Read 1904 times)

Let the Sunshine In

Posts: 15
United States
Gender: female
I've noticed that...
Jul 5th, 2004 at 1:44pm
I've noticed that ever since I decided to grow my hair out long, I've also been attracted to guys with long hair.  This guy had long hair last year and I had the biggest crush on him.  Then he cut it and all of a sudden, I didn't find him attractive anymore.  Do you all feel the same way about how people look with their hair.  Like if they'd look better with long or short hair?
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High Flying Adored
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Posts: 426
Gender: female
Re: I've noticed that...
Reply #1 - Jul 5th, 2004 at 2:52pm
Yup, guys usually look ok with short hair, but long hair is better, and best of all (and a thing so rare) is well cared-for long hair on a guy.8)

But with women, everyone I see, I think You would look so much better if you stop abusing your hair, take care of it, and grow it long. Roll Eyes
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

Posts: 1265
Bill Gates' backyard, WA
Gender: female
Re: I've noticed that...
Reply #2 - Jul 5th, 2004 at 7:02pm
BroadwayBaby wrote:
I've noticed that ever since I decided to grow my hair out long, I've also been attracted to guys with long hair.  This guy had long hair last year and I had the biggest crush on him.  Then he cut it and all of a sudden, I didn't find him attractive anymore. 

YES! I too have had a tendency to be attracted to
  (a) guys who already have long hair. Steven Tyler... mmmm.. and Axl Rose is beginning to look good.
  (b) guys with a long hair attitude (ex-longhair or longhair-to-be) The guy I'm kinda seeing now is growing his hair out to his waist. Because he knows what it's like to have long hair, he'll be sensitive about mine (e.g. not get it caught in his jewelry, car door, etc.)
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