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? por que'? (Read 2123 times)

Beauty is in the eye of
the beholder

Posts: 61
Gender: female
? por que'?
Jun 23rd, 2004 at 4:54am
Do you have to wash out coconut oil, and if so then why is it harmful? and also is applying hair grease to the scalp a bad thing? Undecided
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Posts: 745
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Gender: female
Re: ? por que'?
Reply #1 - Jun 23rd, 2004 at 7:21am
Well, you don't *have* to wash it out. Some people who use it as a treatment wash it out. I do it both ways. People don't wash it out because it's harmful, but think of it as a deep conditioner AND a leave-in. If you use little enough for it not to show, you won't need to wash it out. If you use too much, it will make your hair appear greasy, so that's why you would want to wash it out, NOT because it's harmful. And no, it's not bad to apply oils to the scalp.
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

Posts: 1265
Bill Gates' backyard, WA
Gender: female
Re: ? por que'?
Reply #2 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 1:42am
Coconut oil can cause scalp breakouts if it is not shampooed out (the same day, if possible). If you've had scalp breakout issues with certain store-bought conditioners, a pre-wash coconut oil treatment is the safest bet. Other than that, your length can be safely oiled with a small amount for leave-in.

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