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bad hair dream (Read 3308 times)
flaming bunny

Gothic Beauty

Posts: 374
magical forest in England
Gender: female
bad hair dream
Jun 6th, 2004 at 12:37pm
last night i had my first hair nightmare.
i had had my hair cut very short (kinda like a guys hair, close to my head but not shaved). at the start of the dream i was really happy thinking about how i didnt have to fuss so much over my new hair and how i would keep cool in the summer...then i looked in a mirror and saw it. the moment i looked at myself i realised what a horrible mistake i made and how it would take about 8+ years to get it back....i spent the rest of my dream crying my eyes out and pulling at my short hair.
so depressing....but it'll help me resist any teeny tiny urge to cut in the future ...
anyone else have horrible dreams like this?
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My hair is:&&Golden Brown&&44" ~ thigh length&&Fine, but fairly thick&&my goal is knee length&&
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Re: bad hair dream
Reply #1 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 2:08pm
*shudder* What an awful dream! Luckily I've never had a nightmare like that; not that I remember, at least.

I bet you were glad to wake up and find it still there. Did you almost panic and reach up just to make sure? That'd probably be my first reaction.  Tongue
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Global Salon Moderator

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Re: bad hair dream
Reply #2 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 2:51pm
I've often had nightmares about my hair being cut.  I think I'm reliving my childhood and my mother's "forced pixies" ;)
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flaming bunny

Gothic Beauty

Posts: 374
magical forest in England
Gender: female
Re: bad hair dream
Reply #3 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 5:16pm
glad im not alone! deary me...

yes i did check that my hair was still there! i took out my braid and combed it through.....i really enjoyed the feeling!


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My hair is:&&Golden Brown&&44" ~ thigh length&&Fine, but fairly thick&&my goal is knee length&&
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
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Posts: 1265
Bill Gates' backyard, WA
Gender: female
Oy! I get hair nightmares all the time
Reply #4 - Jun 11th, 2004 at 11:27pm
Hey Flaming Bunny

Don't worry, I have hair nightmares all the time. The reason is not clear; I think it's just hair anxiety in general. In these dreams I have my hair hacked off, then it doesn't grow back. Or it's a curly and short cut that is coarser than boar bristle and awfully rough. Last night I had another hair nightmare, and in the dream I sat and cried too : (

My sweetie happened to send a text message to say 'I love you' while driving home at 1:30 in the morning last night. My phone beeped and woke me out of it. I panicked, checked my hair, and fell back asleep. The dream still disturbs me though.

You're never alone.

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flaming bunny

Gothic Beauty

Posts: 374
magical forest in England
Gender: female
Re: Oy! I get hair nightmares all the time
Reply #5 - Jun 13th, 2004 at 10:36am
You're never alone.

thakyou Anais (((hugs))), glad im not the only one.
i wonder if short haired people have disturbing dreams about having reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long hair??!! hehe that would be weird!
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My hair is:&&Golden Brown&&44" ~ thigh length&&Fine, but fairly thick&&my goal is knee length&&
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