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Chit Chat >> Letting Your Hair Down >> Ren Faires

Message started by YesitsReal on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 2:51am

Title: Ren Faires
Post by YesitsReal on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 2:51am
So, a lot of people in this forum seem to go to ren faires a lot.  I'd love to go to one, but there don't seem to be any around here in MS.  We have an SCA, but pretty much all they do is sword fight in a field.  Fun to watch once or twice, but no big deal after that.  

I just wonder if anyone might have some 'insider info' on ren faires down here?  I'd love to go; I even have a costume left over from a masquerade ball I threw.  I'd need to make a surcoat for it, but that won't be too much of a problem.  Anybody know anything?


Title: Re: Ren Faires
Post by Sakina on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 3:37pm
This is what I found: http://www.oceansprings-ms.com/faire.htm
Although looking at the page, I'm not sure they're still operating.

Without knowing where you are in the state I don't know what else to recommend.  If you live near enough to another state you might be able to get to one.  Of course, you could come to Arizona in February or March and check out ours!

Good Luck!

Title: Re: Ren Faires
Post by YesitsReal on Oct 3rd, 2009 at 2:46am
Hmm...I think you might be right about the website being old.  It says it was updated in '05.  Ocean Springs is a bit far from here, anyway, though.  I live toward the middle of the state.

Thanks for checking!

Maybe I will come to AZ.  I've heard y'all's is really good.  ROAD TRIP!!   ;D

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