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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Shortest haircut?

Message started by AgentOrange on Jun 23rd, 2009 at 11:06pm

Title: Shortest haircut?
Post by AgentOrange on Jun 23rd, 2009 at 11:06pm
I used to have very long hair (never measured it, but if I took a wild guess, I'd say around 26"; it was at mid-back)

..and then I cut it VERY short:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v384/AlbinoBlackSharpie/myspace/hair.jpg

Now it's finally shoulder length again. I want to grow it to waist-length, but I'm soo far away from my goal. So is anyone else here a long way from their goal?
What's the shortest your hair's ever been?

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Sakina on Jun 24th, 2009 at 12:18am
Hi, AgentOrange, and welcome to LongLocks.  If you have a minute, please introduce yourself over on the New Members section.

I did something very similar a long time ago.  I kept a bob for awhile and then went super short, like maybe 1" all over.  I started growing my hair out almost 5 years ago and am almost at BSL.  My first goal was to have enough length to make a bun w/o a million hairpins, my second goal is BSL and my third goal is waist length.

If you look in the Show Off Your Locks section you can see some of my progress over the years.  I don't think I have any pics of when it was really short, but it was really short!

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Melusine on Jun 24th, 2009 at 2:24am
Hi, Agent Orange, and welcome.

I wore my hair very short (2") and curly-permed for years.  Quit perming and starting growing it about 3 yrs ago.  I still layer it for curls, but when I pull the longest layer straight, it is 23."

My goal is waist-length.

I wore Tony Pony hairpieces to get me thru the awkard growing out stage.

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Drear on Jun 24th, 2009 at 7:11am
My last cut was similar to yours but shorter.  I still feel like I'm miles from my next part time goal which is just BSL. ::)  I can't think further than that but thinking in part time goals helps me.  I had a short shag in 04' and right before I went for a short bob in December 07 I was at BSL.  My own stupidity just seems endless! >:(<<<with myself!  My hair is longer now than in the profile pic but just below shoulders.  

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 24th, 2009 at 11:19am
Wow, you and your hair are gorgeous!

After a dreadful coloring incident, the shortest my hair has ever been was 6" all over. Kinda shaggy and careless. Now, it's about 27.5".

Waist length is my goal also...about 30" on me.

Anyway, there are quite a few short haired ladies here who share your pain and the rest of us remember what it was like. Hang in there. :)

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by AgentOrange on Jun 24th, 2009 at 11:38am
:) Wow, it looks like lots of people here started with short hair...haha it's good to know I'm not the only one who made a mistake. I like the idea of setting smaller goals first, so I guess my first would have to be BSL. It should only take about..a year  :-/

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Isabeau on Jun 24th, 2009 at 2:04pm
Wow love your hair! :)  The shortest I have ever had my hair was a Wyona Rider pixie :-X

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Leliel on Jun 24th, 2009 at 4:28pm
So, in high school, I decided to cut my curly (and at the time frizzy and thicker) hair into a cute chin-length page-boy bob... Yeah, it looked cute up until I washed it. Wihtout the extra weight on it, it curled up tight and poofed out... I had triangle hair that year, a la Alice of Dilbert.  (No I  will not upload a pic!! :D)

That was my epiphany "I shall never cut my hair this short again" moment!  

No goal here atm, tho, I'm at roughly waist length and it appears to be pretty much terminal for me. :(

(and umm, Hi again LL! I'm apparently on the "check in every few months and don't actually post anything" plan, hope y'all don't mind me popping back up randomly! )

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jun 24th, 2009 at 7:51pm
Hi Leliel,
Just curious as to why you think you're at terminal length instead of a resting period?  How long has it been since you had any growth?
Glad you popped in again!  Good to hear from you! :)

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Leliel on Jun 26th, 2009 at 3:46pm
Hiya Curlgirl64! Thanks!

Whoops, I'm off, according to [url="http://www.longlocks.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1229434855"]the chart[/url] what I've been calling "waist-length" should really be "hip-length." (Can I blame the low-rise pants trend?? :P)

I am still thinking that the length it was before I cut it back in Dec '07 was terminal for me, about 36" or so because it stayed there so long and it's just about that length again. Plus if average hair growth is 6"/year and average telogen phase is 6years then 36" would be dead-on average terminal length, right? So it would make sense for it to be terminal. (Admittedly, after looking at that chart again I'm also starting to wonder if I measured right, since by the chart 36" should have been over "classic-length" as I'm 5'6" - 5'7" but I know I couldn't quite sit on it then... too bad I can't go back and check again now, doh! )

I could certainly be wrong, and I definitely won't mind if it surprises me and grows past that!  But I am not going to make a goal to grow it past that point and set myself up for disappointment when I think it'd be better to focus on just enjoying how long it is and keeping it healthy. :)

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jun 26th, 2009 at 5:26pm
Terminal,resting,long or short,you're on target with it being healthy and keeping it there! ;)

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by YesitsReal on Jun 28th, 2009 at 3:52am
Lol...in high school, I had hair that was 1 1/2 inches long all over my head.  When I took time to style it, I spiked up the back and gelled the front.  But most of the time I just wore it how it came out of the shower.  Not really sure what I was thinking.  I sort of looked like a boy, and was mistaken as such by a few older ladies. :P  My recommendation to anyone who wants her hair this short (not like anyone here does...)--wear makeup!!  And jewelry!  

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by Spider Lily on Dec 9th, 2009 at 2:20pm
My hair is chin length right now. Which is one of the shortest lengths I've ever had. I'm aiming for shoulder as my first goal. =] Oh and AgentOrange your hair is very pretty! Happy growing

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by brunette85 on Dec 12th, 2009 at 7:31pm
The shortest length my hair has ever been was chin length. I have not been chin length since high school, which was five years ago. My goal is classic and it is definitely far away so I make even smaller goals which is two inches. In other words, my hair is right above collarbone length so the next goal would be armpit length, so until I reach armpit length I will set two-inch goals. This helps me so I am not disappointed if I did not make six inches in a year.

Title: Re: Shortest haircut?
Post by AgentOrange on Jan 25th, 2010 at 1:22pm
ohh i love the winona pixie haha. watching Girl Interrupted the other day almost made me cut my hair short again...

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