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Chit Chat >> Brushes With Long Hair >> amazing at target

Message started by fisher2 on Jun 6th, 2009 at 9:36pm

Title: amazing at target
Post by fisher2 on Jun 6th, 2009 at 9:36pm
i was sitting with dad today and saw this girl with knee length hair go by so i told dad i had to go for a min so i walked up to her when i saw her again on other side of store n told her she has amazing hair and that im im growing mine out that long too so we chatted a while(5-15 mins) about hair n as i was walking down asle next to her i heard her say that was weird but cheered her up she was witrh her husband(who also had a pony tail but was gonna donate it :( ) so i was happy i was shaking walking up to her while she had her back to me n i stuttered at first when i statted talking(my first time giving a complament) it was also only time i saw knee length

Title: Re: amazing at target
Post by Sakina on Jun 6th, 2009 at 10:32pm
Good for you, fisher2.  I get nervous also, when I compliment someone on anything.  I think we get compliments so infrequently on long hair (since its not "in fashion") people with long hair are more ready for criticisms!

Title: Re: amazing at target
Post by fisher2 on Jun 6th, 2009 at 11:15pm
as im 16 i thought id just look like a creepy teen but

Title: Re: amazing at target
Post by Midnight Angel on Jun 7th, 2009 at 1:10pm
;D Nice work, kiddo.

That's pretty much how it is getting any sort of compliment from a stranger...weird but nice.

For me, it's gotten easier to pass by a lady and say, "I love your hair!" I could just as well be saying it about her shoes, handbag, something she was wearing, etc. Girls do that all the time.

Title: Re: amazing at target
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 7th, 2009 at 2:22pm
Good for you!  It is a real shame that we find it difficult to compliment strangers.  We obviously need more practice.  I too, find it easier to just give a quick compliment as I'm passing by.  That way the person receiving it does not have to feel obligated to chat or even respond.  A smile and maybe a thank you is the usual response.

Title: Re: amazing at target
Post by fisher2 on Jun 7th, 2009 at 5:55pm
i think she only took up a convo cuz i have long hair too :P

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