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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Regarding Lice Stories...

Message started by Goldie on May 25th, 2009 at 11:28am

Title: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by Goldie on May 25th, 2009 at 11:28am
Hi! I'm new here and just a quick note I wanted to say that this is a great site! I have been looking for
a long hair site for a while and when I found LongLocks, I immediately signed up!

I am not sure if this is the right place for this topic but I wanted to ask if any of you have ever had lice
problems with your long hair and how you coped.  :)
I had a lice problem once and my hair was long (slightly past my waist) and my aunt told me that I would
have to cut it all short to get rid of them!!  :'( I was very upset but my WONDERFUL mother said " No" and
she sat with me for 5 hours a day for about a week, just picking out the knitts with her nails! We tried several
other methods like soaking my hair in mayonase, neem oil (which is fantastic for getting you hair very soft
and supple even though it doesn't smell the greatest), mom came up with the idea of steaming my hair with
her steam cleaner for the floor (that was funny: me laying on the ground while she steamed my hair like the
hardwood floors!).
Finally, we found that the eggs (we had killed the adults) do not like extreme heat and will break or crumble
off the strand of hair. So we got a hair straightener and it worked beautifully. By that time, mom had pretty    
much gotten the majority of the eggs out but this ensured that there were none alive!

I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a lice experience and what they did about it!
Thanks for reading my post!  :)


Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by fisher2 on May 25th, 2009 at 4:37pm
my dad says if i get them it'll be easy to get rif of as he'll just wahsm my hair in kerosene im not sure how bad that would be bbut it sounds horrible

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by Isabeau on May 25th, 2009 at 7:42pm
Hi Goldie!

I have never had lice, thank the lord!  When I worked in a drugstore years ago we would suggest products like Nix.  Also Tea tree oil shampoo's.  When my cuz Connie got them many moons ago the only thing that killed the lice and nits was to get a perm.

Lisa :)

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by bikerbraid on May 25th, 2009 at 8:24pm
Welcome to LongLocks!  I've been fortunate to have never had to deal with lice, so I don't know what methods might work for long hair.  Let's hope none of us ever have to find out!

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by Skyfire on May 25th, 2009 at 11:58pm
The last time I had lice, I had a pixie cut, but my boyfriend had these amazing long curls.  First we did the nix shampoo, and then I spent an entire day picking nits.  Then we poured White Vinegar over his head 2x a day for a week, and all of that managed to get rid of them.

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by bugeyedmonster2 on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:47am
Lice don't like oily hair.  My mom's friend always used to get them, but her sister never did.  Mom's friend has dry curly hair, and her sister had thin oily hair.  

I have heard of the mayonaise trick.  But in putting it on and leaving it on with a plastic cap over for at least a day.

When my sister and I went to visit some cousins (who always have trouble with lice) we slicked our hair with oil and put it up.  Didn't get lice.

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by Tara on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 3:46pm
I (embarrassingly) battled head lice all through middle and High school.  No matter what we did we couldn't seem to get rid of them, until I was 17 and died my hair black and it killed every last little bugger and egg, AND it died the eggs the same color as my hair so you couldn't see them, and I didn't have to comb them out (which takes HOURS and it very painful, especially for long haired people).  I didn't dye my hair at the time because of the head lice, but it was good to find out!  Of course nowadays I don't use any kind of chemical in my hair LEAST of all a horrid hair dye, however, Henna is said to kill head lice (though I haven't tried it myself)  I get all my henna related products from Hennaforhair.com, they have some forums there as well, you should check them out :)

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by bugeyedmonster2 on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 9:40pm

fisher2 wrote on May 25th, 2009 at 4:37pm:
my dad says if i get them it'll be easy to get rid of as he'll just wash my hair in kerosene im not sure how bad that would be but it sounds horrible

That's actually an old remedy, that I had heard of from books like Little House and other such era books.

When someone told me a rumor about Henry Ford washing his hair in kerosene I told them that maybe he had a lice infestation.  

But I do remember hearing in one book that it frizzed out the hair, and one needed lard afterwards.  (I'm assuming that now you would probably use coconut oil.)

Title: Re: Regarding Lice Stories...
Post by Drear on Jun 23rd, 2009 at 2:48am
The lice shampoos at the pharmacy still works for my family but I heard that they stop working for families with many infestations.  I only had to comb through my hair with one of those horrible combs once luckily I didn't have any lice.  

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