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Chit Chat >> Letting Your Hair Down >> Happy New Year!

Message started by Enna on Jan 1st, 2009 at 2:32pm

Title: Happy New Year!
Post by Enna on Jan 1st, 2009 at 2:32pm
Happy New Year to everyone!

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by Sakina on Jan 1st, 2009 at 4:44pm
Happy New Year to all!  

Hubby and I stayed up eating appitizers and watching movies.  We rented "The Duchess" and "Ghost Town".  "The Duchess" is an amazing story and I recommend it to anyone who likes true stories and/or period movies.  I thought "Ghost Town" was pretty funny, and the premise was good but the story dragged a bit in spots.

How did the rest of you celebrate??

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by Midnight Angel on Jan 1st, 2009 at 10:42pm
Hmm...my parents went out, my sister & her bf went out. I stayed home sick. http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/sick0026.gif
Gratefully, that also meant a night all to myself, without interference. So I dimmed the lights, dragged out a few candles, turned on the Twilight Zone marathon and streamed the Gothic music channel on AIM while chatting with friends. And it didn't cost me one red cent. ;)

Anyway, happy New Year to all. Hope the beginning of 2009 finds you all better than it finds me at the moment. hehehe What am I saying? Of course it does!

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by Isabeau on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 7:27am
Happy New Year!!!!!

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by La Diosa on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 11:58am
Happy New Year, everyone! :D

Oh, Sakina, I've been meaning to rent the Dutchess for the longest now but kept forgetting to pick it up from the video store.  I'll see if they have it in stock today.  Thanks for the reminder! :)

Angel: Aside from being sick, your NYE sounded pretty cool too!  I love the Twilight Zone...the old black and white ones, not the ones they made in color.  Hope you feel better soon.  I was sick last New Years, so I know how horrible that can be.

We went out to celebrate, it was pretty fun!

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by Midnight Angel on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 5:02pm

Angel: Aside from being sick, your NYE sounded pretty cool too!  I love the Twilight Zone...the old black and white ones, not the ones they made in color.  Hope you feel better soon.  I was sick last New Years, so I know how horrible that can be.

Aww, thanx. :)
It was indeed pretty cool despite being sick.
The Twilight Zone is one of my all-time favourite TV shows. The originals, of course - I don't recognize any others. ;) Rod Serling was a bloody genius.

Title: Re: Happy New Year!
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 10:13am
Happy New Year everyone!!  I hope everyone brought in the new year well.  Hubby and I stayed home had sparkling apple cider and sushi!  Just relaxed and watch the Twilight Zone marathon.  May 2009 be better,healthier and more peaceful for all!

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