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Chit Chat >> Letting Your Hair Down >> Alive and well

Message started by Debr on Dec 26th, 2008 at 4:59pm

Title: Alive and well
Post by Debr on Dec 26th, 2008 at 4:59pm
I AM BACK!!!  Alive, well, and healthy (except for my cold).  The storm passed over this part of state, but the northern half really got a dumping.  I dont think anything more than the usual weather pattern (rain, rain and more rain) is expected.  Whew, I can deal witih the rain, but I cant deal with ice.  I am a wimp when it comes to that.


Title: Re: Alive and well
Post by bikerbraid on Dec 26th, 2008 at 7:56pm
Glad the worst of the storm missed you.  I'm with you on the ice - yuck!  I'll take the snow anytime over ice.

glad you are back!

Title: Re: Alive and well
Post by Sakina on Dec 27th, 2008 at 12:47am
Ditto-ice is bad.  I had more than my share when I lived in Michigan.  I'm very grateful to now live in Arizona.  We've had the rainiest Christmas in 15 years this year.  Crank up the heat, break out the humidifier!  Cuddle with the kitties!!!

Title: Re: Alive and well
Post by Drear on Dec 27th, 2008 at 12:47pm
Plus temperatures here but we still get black ice AND fog!  I'm glad we stayed in Christmas but on the 26th we drove up to my ILs and I couldn't believe all the accidents that happened on that stretch we drove, that day, that I heard of on the news in the evening after we returned home.  Holidays are always bad on the roads in Denmark because lots of people who aren't used to driving great distances and who usually never get on the freeways, suddenly have to drive in places they aren't used to going and at speeds they aren't used to driving. :o ;D  I'm sorry I'm laughing, that's not even funny. :-[

It's just that freeway speeds are usually 68mph (119km pr. hr.) or in some places 81mph (130km pr. hr.)  It's not really fast.  I know you wouldn't drive at those speeds on black ice but these people who aren't used to going on the freeways don't drive any better during the summer.  I don't drive at all, I'm realistic and realize that I no longer have the vision, hearing, or experience to drive.  I wish others would come to this realization too.

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