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Bad Hair Day >> HELP! >> Braiding "Issues"

Message started by Tanai on Nov 19th, 2008 at 2:46pm

Title: Braiding "Issues"
Post by Tanai on Nov 19th, 2008 at 2:46pm
Alright so I've had this problem for awhile now but it's finally driven me to my limits.  >:( For some reason sections of my hair like to work themselves out of my braids. It doesn't matter where I part my hair, because I thought the side part might be an issue it isn't. And it's not new growth hair because it's actual sections of hair the sort of thing you would get if you had layers and tried to braid your hair. But I haven't had layers in years and they've been grown out and cut off for some time. I've tried aloe vera gel to try and tame it but my hair is just too coarse and too thick for it to do much good.  :PIt's pretty much ridiculous because every time I braid my hair I always have to fix it which isn't an easy task when you have a French or Dutch braid in. Can anyone suggest anything to combat this nuisance? :-/

Title: Re: Braiding "Issues"
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 20th, 2008 at 7:24pm
I know how frustrating it can be when your braid becomes "messy" during the day.  I usually have to rebraid a loose braid at least once during the day.

Since you have already tried the aloe vera gel, the only other suggestions I can make is  to braid your hair when damp and/or try oiling your damp hair then braiding it.  

When I want a neat braid to last all day, I will keep my right hand damp with water and run it down the section of hair for each time I braid.  This keeps the hair damp all the way to the ends.  This may sound silly, but I find warm water works better than cool water.

I hope this helps.

Title: Re: Braiding "Issues"
Post by Tanai on Nov 21st, 2008 at 2:58pm
Thanks BB  :) I'll have to try that the next time. My hair does seem to cooperate more when it's damp. I used to use gel on my damp hair to braid it and make waves overnight but the gel made my hair sticky.  :P But with the oil it just might work.  8-)

Title: Re: Braiding "Issues"
Post by Sakina on Nov 21st, 2008 at 5:19pm
If you decide you need gel, I recommend DevaCurl AnGell.  Its light weight and not sticky.  I use it everytime I wash to keep my waves wavy.

Good luck with your braids!!!

Title: Re: Braiding "Issues"
Post by Tanai on Nov 22nd, 2008 at 5:00pm
Thanks Sakina, I just may have to look into that product, if all else fails.

Title: Re: Braiding "Issues"
Post by Drear on Feb 12th, 2009 at 4:28am
I know some of us naturally have unbraidable hair.  Pretty much uncontrollable hair in any upstyle and short of product overload I wouldn't know what to do.  Some friend suggested good old fashioned pomade.  Yeah, right!  ...And just how do you wash that stuff out?! ::)

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