LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> ColorFX >> Prell

Message started by waiting4longlocks on Nov 4th, 2008 at 4:02pm

Title: Prell
Post by waiting4longlocks on Nov 4th, 2008 at 4:02pm
I did a wash with Prell today & left it in for a few minutes in hopes of fading my black hair dye a bit (well, not so much fade, but tone down) I knew this would dry out my hair, so before i did an oil treatment with EVOO, Avocado oil & coconut oil. I had heard Prell was a very tough cleaner so I assumed this would wash everything out, but now my hair is feeling REALLY WEIRD. It's not really gunky, and it's not dried out.. it just feels very different... and I'm not really sure what to do  :-/

Title: Re: Prell
Post by Midnight Angel on Nov 4th, 2008 at 4:45pm

Title: Re: Prell
Post by Sakina on Nov 4th, 2008 at 9:13pm
EEEEK!  Prell.

I suggest doing a vinegar rinse.  I recently talked to my scalp massage girl about oil lifting color.  She confirmed that it would, but that it needed to be hot oil to penetrate the hair shaft.  Room temp oil is not as effective.

If you try a hot oil treatment, let us know how it works on lifting your color!!

Title: Re: Prell
Post by waiting4longlocks on Nov 5th, 2008 at 11:05am
Well I sat in the steam for a while with the oil on my head, and I will say that even though my hair feels FUNKY (I still can't figure out what it is.....) I do see some tiny little red highlights coming through all over... and let me tell you, on black hair, even these tiny, subtle, little highlights make all the difference! I don't know if it was the oil or the Prell, but I don't think I will be using the Prell again. I'm going to do a vinegar rinse today & I'm going to go easy on the conditioner. I forgot to mention that I used Nexxuss keraphix conditioner for the first time after the Prell wash... this is a pretty heavy conditioner, and I feel it may have contributed to my funky hair.  :-/

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