LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Au Natural >> WV/ACV

Message started by waiting4longlocks on Oct 1st, 2008 at 9:24pm

Title: WV/ACV
Post by waiting4longlocks on Oct 1st, 2008 at 9:24pm
I just ran out of ACV, but have a little White Vinegar that I previously experimented with. I notice a difference in the way each vinegar makes my hair feel. I always thought that they could be used interchangeably to remove build-up... but the difference in results makes me wonder.. Is one stronger than the other? Or do they generally do the same thing?

Title: Re: WV/ACV
Post by callisto on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 12:08am
Most people agree that they basically do the same thing, although there is some controversy over whether one is better for greasy hair versus dry hair.... Personally I don't think there's much of a chemical difference, but my hair likes one pantene conditioner and hates another where the only difference is two of the ingredients are switched in order.  So there's no telling what hair'll like.

I've only really used ACV, because that's what we have lying around. ;D

Title: Re: WV/ACV
Post by Sakina on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 12:54am
I ran out of acv once and used the white we had in the kitchen.  It was horrible.  I have dry scalp and hair and this made me so dry it was painful.

I'd rather skip it than use white vinegar ever again!

Title: Re: WV/ACV
Post by waiting4longlocks on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 5:59am

callisto wrote on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 12:08am:
there's no telling what hair'll like.

So True!  :o

Title: Re: WV/ACV
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 7:44am
White vinegar is more drying to the scalp than cider vinegar.  I use both depending on what I have available.

Title: Re: WV/ACV
Post by waiting4longlocks on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 9:55pm
I noticed today that the WV rinse makes my hair feel much more slick than ACV. I'm going to finish the bottle & then probably go back to ACV. (Unless I fall in love with the WV . ;))

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