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Message started by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 2:00pm

Title: Will I ever get to say...
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 2:00pm
So, Lord of the Rings was on last night. I don't know if most of the long hair on the movie was due to extensions or not, but it made me want long hair even more. The part where they all come to the forest, and they meet the White Witch (can't remember what they call her) I told my hubby and his friend that if all goes right I could have hair as long as hers. All I heard was yeah right! I def. want to go to mid back, and if I can handle it that lond I may want to continue to grow my hair even longer. Granted I have a long journey ahead, and not alot of support from home, but I guess I will just have to prove them wrong. When I do, they are going to hear my famous words, "I told you so!"

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by Tanai on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 3:59pm
:D *laughs* LotR is part of what provoked me to grow my hair long.  :) Most of that is extensions or wigs (I have behind the scenes stuff on my DVD's) but still we all know it is quite possible to grow actual hair that long. You don't need support at home you've got us here at LL! Don't worry once it gets longer you'll start second guessing yourself a lot  ;D lol but will be here for you to talk those scissors out of your hand.  ;)

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by Skyfire on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 5:00pm
Yeah, you can do it!  Take it as a challenge.

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 5:12pm
Thanks Tanai and Skyfire! (((HUGS)))

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by Jilayne75 on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 6:33pm
You can do it, livingandlovingx3!! Don't worry about it! In a few years I bet you'll be there.  ;D I feel like that too, sometimes, with my chin length hair.

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by callisto on Aug 23rd, 2008 at 11:30pm

You know, her actual name is something else... My Silmarillion memory is failing me (I do remember it starts with an A though...) but her husband gave her that name.  It means 'Maiden crowned with a shining radiance' and refers to her hair!
Just though I'd share that geeky tidbit....

But, I also am currently aiming for hair that long, but since it took me two years to get from above shoulder length to midback, I have no idea how long it will take.  But I'm willing to wait it out!

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by livingandlovingx3 on Aug 24th, 2008 at 1:59am
;D Callisto. I love the Lord of the Ring movies. I wish I could have lived way back when mostly all women had long hair and dressed in beautiful clothes. Of course, I don't think I could live that way now, having lived with some modern convienences. My Father once told me that his side of the family had a chance to live in a castle (I think in Ireland or Scotland), but because of something to do with taxes, they didn't. That's ok though because then my Mom and Dad probably would have never met and had me!

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by Drear on Sep 18th, 2008 at 2:33am
The LOTR movies all came out during some short hair phase of mine. ::)  Actually, we're talking about more than one phase.  I suppose that's positive; Can grow faster.  It's also been after a trim they show them on TV. ::)  They're trying to tell me something. ;).  I'm pretty sure that they had help from extensions for fullness at least.  I'm hoping they actually did, otherwise I'm just going to feel more miserable than I already do.  

I love so many different period styles of clothes right from 9th Cent. to 1959.  Most days my clothes is classic modern or 1950s retro inspired but younger in style than a 31 y.o. woman would've dressed.  I can't really see how I'm going to walk around in a long beautiful gown and not have people step all over it.

A Juno-Hitoe would probably cause similar problems.  http://webryalbum.biglobe.ne.jp/myalbum/1003109000c79f1f943b47f6642ffab118c63f430/20986315037969511

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by Sakina on Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:35am
"I'm hoping they actually did, otherwise I'm just going to feel more miserable than I already do. "

Reading that cracked me up, Drear.

That is an awesome link!!!  I've never seen that kind of dress before.  What beautiful long hair, too.

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by Angel Spun on Sep 18th, 2008 at 12:49pm
Most of the lovely long hair in the LOTR trilogy was wigs.

Sorry to hear that you don't have much (or any) support at home, L&L3. That's a shame. My parents don't support or approve of my having long hair, but most everyone else that I know does. Not that I look to others for justification.

You can grow your hair as long as you want. Just have patience.

Title: Re: Will I ever get to say...
Post by YesitsReal on Mar 22nd, 2009 at 11:51pm
Drear and LivingandLoving,

I know what you mean about the period clothes.  I think we should all start a trend.   ;)

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