LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Evening my hair color

Message started by Pixie on Jun 1st, 2008 at 9:43am

Title: Evening my hair color
Post by Pixie on Jun 1st, 2008 at 9:43am
My roots are blonde, the rest of my head is reddish. I would like to continue growing my hair out, as opposed to cutting it back to a pixie to get rid of the red. Is there any way, without seriously harming my hair, to even the tone of the red against the blonde? I know I will probably have to go to a salon, and I am not opposed to that, I just didn't want to go for nothing! :)

Title: Re: Evening my hair color
Post by texian.traveler on Jun 1st, 2008 at 10:30am
Hm.  When I grew out my color, I cut it all off when it reached two inches.  However, this is what I did to get it to that point.  My roots were dark, so I got lowlights, but you would just get highlights.  

Each time I got it colored, I got more lowlights and fewer highlights, so I gradually transitioned to darker and darker hair.  I would think the same would work in reverse.  What you are trying to avoid is that horizontal strip from grown out color.

Title: Re: Evening my hair color
Post by Pixie on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 8:32am
Thanks! That makes a lot of sense! Yeah, you can already see the stripe in my hair, but it's weird... it's not really darker or lighter, just different colored. It's not too noticable yet, but I think it will be soon. But that method totally makes sense, I'll try that!

Title: Re: Evening my hair color
Post by mellie on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 4:03pm
Another thing you could do is tea rinses until you've grown out enough that you can stop. Hibiscus worked for me to make a reddish color. Tea rinses will wash right out with your next shampoo.

Here's my before and after:

After a hibiscus tea rinse:

It depends on your pH though. For some people hibiscus ends up kind of purple/blue. But, I think there are other herbal rinses that can impart red color too.


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