LongLocks Salon
Hairstyles and Styling >> Keep it Casual >> Windy season styles

Message started by Valerie on May 22nd, 2008 at 10:58pm

Title: Windy season styles
Post by Valerie on May 22nd, 2008 at 10:58pm
Any suggestions out there for styles that stay looking nice and professional even in the wind?  I come home at night a little depressed because my braid or bun that looked so great that morning is blown all over with wispy ends hanging out.  Would a long fringe help cover up the wispies?  

Title: Re: Windy season styles
Post by Sakina on May 22nd, 2008 at 11:44pm
You could try a hairnet for the bun.  Maybe if you use some aloe gel and braid damp it would help for the braid style.  Also, you could use a scarf for the front/top of your hair and braid the back.

Good Luck!!

Title: Re: Windy season styles
Post by Angel Spun on May 23rd, 2008 at 5:08pm
Wind + bangs = NOT COOL!  :o
Believe me, "fringe" will only make things worse since there's no way to secure them. And the longer the "fringe," the worse the tangles.

Living in desert country, high winds are something I must often deal with. The best solution, seriously, is to remain indoors. If you work outdoors, however, then I would suggest following Sakina's advice with the aloe gel. Just slick down whatever ends are sticking out of updo's.
   I usually wear a single braid and if it ends up looking ratty at the end of the day, I just re-braid it. No big deal. You can also tuck the braid into the back of your shirt if you're really worried about it.

Another little thing that might help is to lightly coat your hair with water, aloe gel, oil or all of the above before braiding.

Title: Re: Windy season styles
Post by Valerie on May 23rd, 2008 at 8:18pm
Thanks for the advice ladies!  I recently got my real estate license and the last few days after showing homes or doing open houses I look like I just rolled out of bed.  Not exactly the image I want to project.  I've been meaning to get a squirt bottle of aloe, oil and water together anyway.  Guess this will be my kick in the pants to go do it!

Title: Re: Windy season styles
Post by Sakina on May 23rd, 2008 at 11:00pm
Congratulations, Valerie!  I hope you have lots of success as a realtor!!

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