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Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Fragrance

Message started by La Diosa on May 18th, 2008 at 5:29pm

Title: Fragrance
Post by La Diosa on May 18th, 2008 at 5:29pm
I was watching Oprah a few weeks ago (the episode with Julia Roberts), they had an expert on the show who said to avoid products with fragrance listed in the ingredients.  When I was at Whole Foods and spoke to Hugo of Hugo Naturals, he said the same thing.  Today, I decided to find out what the big deal was about avoiding fragrance and came across this.  Hopefully, it'll be helpful to others as well.

When you see "fragrance" on a personal care product's label, read it as "hidden chemicals." A major loophole in FDA's federal law lets manufacturers of products like shampoo, lotion, and body wash include nearly any ingredient in their products under the name "fragrance" without actually listing the chemical.

Companies that manufacture personal care products are required by law to list the ingredients they use, but fragrances and trade-secret formulas are exempt. An analysis of the chemical contents of products reveals that the innocuous-looking “fragrance” often contains chemicals linked to negative health effects. Phthalates, used to make fragrances last longer, are associated damage to the male reproductive system, and artificial musks accumulate in our bodies and can be found in breast milk. Some artificial musks are even linked to cancer. And if you've got asthma, watch out-- fragrance formulas are considered to be among the top 5 known allergens, and can trigger asthma attacks. The same kinds of chemicals are often used for fragrances in cleaning products, scented candles, and air fresheners.

To avoid those unpleasant side effects, choose fragrance-free products, but beware labels that say "unscented." It may only mean that the manufacturer has added yet another fragrance to mask the original odor. Check ingredient labels carefully, or search Skin Deep to find products that do not list "fragrance" as an ingredient.

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by Sakina on May 18th, 2008 at 9:45pm
Thanks for sharing that, La Diosa!  I'm very sensitive to those "fragrances" so its good to have this info to back it up.  I didn't know about the "unscented" part, I'll be on the lookout!

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by bikerbraid on May 19th, 2008 at 10:14am
I have significant allergies to many fragrances, so I have always tried to avoid them.  In particular, I am allergic to petroleum fumes.  Many scents use a petroleum base oil for the scent to last longer.  For me that reads - major reaction on skin and for breathing.  Alcohol is also used as a means to disperse the scent.  That can be very drying for hair and/or skin.  

One of the "funniest" experiences I have had with fragrances was when some toilet paper manufacturer decided to add a "pleasant, fresh scent" to the toilet paper.  I had an embarassing rash for a week!!!!!  Stupid place to put perfume.  >:(

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by La Diosa on May 19th, 2008 at 3:31pm

when some toilet paper manufacturer decided to add a "pleasant, fresh scent" to the toilet paper.  I had an embarassing rash for a week!!!!!  Stupid place to put perfume.  >:(  

Ouch!! :o

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by Angel Spun on May 19th, 2008 at 4:43pm

Stupid place to put perfume.  >:(

;D  lol Sorry, I'm laughing with you, BB. Man, that is a stupid place to put fragrance!

Fragrances are sourced from pretty much everything, so it's not surprising that some people could have allergies to them. Many conditioners have caused the back of my neck to break out in a dreadful rash simply because the fragrances were too strong.  :P

As for Oprah's alleged "experts," at least some of them have been dead wrong. I really don't know where they're getting their info from.  :-?

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by Debr on May 19th, 2008 at 5:43pm
As an asthmatic, fragrance is very hard on me.  This time of year, when it gets hotter, it seems like everybody dumps on their perfume.  Alcohol sets off my asthma, I have found alcohol in most perfumes, so needless to say, "If I can smell you b4 the asthma does, I leave the area."  I have noticed even some "unscented" products have some sort of scent in them.  I have to be very careful  :'(.


Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by AmandaC on May 19th, 2008 at 6:06pm
Oh my goodness! I've never heard of this before, but now I'm gonna have to be on the lookout for "fragrance". If something is possibly related to causing cancer, I feel they should have to put that on the label.
I'm not sensitive to scents and stuff, but it is still good to know! Thanks Diosa.

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by Trisha on May 20th, 2008 at 9:19am
Sneaky   >:(   Good info, thanks for posting it.  

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by La Diosa on May 20th, 2008 at 5:10pm
Yeah, it is sneaky!

Title: Re: Fragrance
Post by Citrine on May 20th, 2008 at 6:04pm
Scary  :o!  I wonder which companies sneak chemicals in, and which companies you can trust

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