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Chit Chat >> Brushes With Long Hair >> sighted: long naturally red hair

Message started by roomtogrow on Feb 17th, 2008 at 11:20am

Title: sighted: long naturally red hair
Post by roomtogrow on Feb 17th, 2008 at 11:20am
ok in the past week i've seen two women with beautiful red hair...the first was a woman i just saw in real life,  who had waist length naturally red/orange hair. she had pale skin, freckles, etc and her hair was amazing. it was really wavy too.
then i just watched Elizabeth (the amazing movie) in which cate blanchett has waist length red hair which is just gorgeous...and they put it into all these amazing updos (although, it would be easier for everyone to have these styles if we all had five ladies in waiting to comb, and hold sections of the hair while another braids it :) . the end of the movie makes an impact for that same reason, and really impresses with the power and presence of long hair.

Title: Re: sighted: long naturally red hair
Post by Pixie on Feb 17th, 2008 at 8:56pm
Woohoo! I have yet to watch Elizabeth (either one) and I really would like to, Cate Blanchett is one of my favorite actresses.
I love traditional, long, Irish hair. The woman on the cover of the Celtic Woman debut CD has amazing hair! It's thick, long, red, and very curly!

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