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Message started by Jerry on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 11:01am

Title: Member names
Post by Jerry on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 11:01am
I am just curious, how did you come up or think of your member name here?

I thought about making mine headbanger like at other forums and message boards but not everyone knows what headbanger means so I decided to just go with my real first name which is very common.

I do know bikerbraid's since I have been an internet friend with her for many years now 8-)


Title: Re: Member names
Post by Sakina on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 11:39am
Sakina is my bellydancing name.  I want to have long hair in part due to my dancing.  Not dancing now, though, and spending lots of time working on my haircare.  I have been thinking of starting up again recently.  My hair is quite a bit longer since I stopped dancing-it would be cool to try it out again and see how it feels.

I was not comfortable using my real name, so Sakina's it.

Thanks, Jerry, for bringing this up.  Now I'm excited to go back to dancing.

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Jerry on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 1:30pm
Thank you for the reply ;)

I think it is very interesting how some people will come up with member and usernames :)

Some are obvious but some are like, how did they come up with that name?

The reason I use my first name is because I don't mind people knowing my first real name but I will not share my last name with many people.  Besides, except for me just telling you that is my real first name how are people going to know that is really my real first name?

I am hoping others are going to explain their member names ;)


Title: Re: Member names
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 4:56pm
In case it isn't obvious.... I combined two of my passions to create my  user name - I love to bike (as in bicycling) and I wear my hair in braids ALOT (especially when I bike).  Hence, Bikerbraid!

I was going to answer that I derived my name from a favorite flower, but I figured my obtuse sense of humor would not come thru and you would all think I was totally nuts.  So, I sucumbed to normalcy and gave you the true answer.  ::)

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 5:18pm
Alright, I'll cough it up (which would be funnier if I had a user name like Hairball).

Angel Spun is a term that I made up on the fly in reference to my hair, which is very fine, thin and light (as if spun by angels). You've probably heard of spun glass or spun gold, where a solid material is melted and blown into extremely fine "hairs" which are very soft and delicate to the touch...same idea.

Angel has also been a nickname and totem of mine since birth. My original screen name was going to be Midnight Angel (my usual online identity), but since this is, after all, a hair forum, I decided to tweak the name a little bit to reflect my hair type. Spiderweb would have worked too, I suppose, were I not arachnophobic.  ::)

Title: Re: Member names
Post by La Diosa on Jan 24th, 2008 at 12:44am
I chose my name which means goddess (or litterally the goddess in Spanish) because I've love reading about goddesses, they are so beautiful and they also have long flowing hair. ;) 

I always tend to use the words goddess (in some form or another) and or celestial in my screen names because they are two of my favorite visions of beauty, to me there isn't anything more beautiful than the nighttime sky.

Sakina: You should start dancing again.  As my hair gets longer, I love the way it feels and moves as I dance, it's wonderful! :D

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 24th, 2008 at 6:05am
Lisabelle is my first and middle names combined.  The belle is Isabelle. :)

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 24th, 2008 at 12:02pm
Lisa Isabelle? That's pretty.

I always want to type "Lisabella" as an obscure Simpsons reference.  ;)  ::)

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Lisabelle on Jan 24th, 2008 at 12:26pm

wrote on Jan 24th, 2008 at 12:02pm:
Lisa Isabelle? That's pretty.

I always want to type "Lisabella" as an obscure Simpsons reference.  ;)  ::)

:) ;D

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Trisha on Jan 25th, 2008 at 10:23am
My given name is Patricia; most people call me Trish or Trisha.   :)

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Kiraela on Jan 25th, 2008 at 11:59am
Kiraela is the name of a character in a story I was working on, three or four years ago. In and ancient language from the story, it meant 'the storm tossed sky seen through the bare branches of trees in winter'... one of my favorite sights. Well, I pretty well scrapped the story, but kept the name Kiraela for myself.

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Debr on Jan 26th, 2008 at 6:54pm
Well, I am not original in thinking up cool names.   I used to have a boss which called me Debr.  So I continue to use it.  


Title: Re: Member names
Post by waiting4longlocks on Jan 26th, 2008 at 7:54pm
I'm a very impatient person (if you havent already noticed by my journal, LOL  :P)
so I think this name just reflects my attitude towards the whole "growing-my-hair-out" process... I just literally feel like I'm sitting here waiting for the days to pass until I FINALLY have long beautiful hair!!!
So waiting4longlocks is fitting, I think.  ;D

Title: Re: Member names
Post by rodent on Jan 27th, 2008 at 7:56pm
Roadrat is a handle I've used since the 70's, starting with CB radios. Road because I was always on the road on my bike to the tune of 6K miles a year back then. Rat because I rarely throw anything away, I dig through trash, and tend to be nocturnal.

Other variations:
Rodent: I'm called that at work alot and by my son. Others at work are Dog, Squid, Snake, Weasel, HoundDog, Ferret, and Mole.
Recluse: I use that one on some of my art, mainly the political incorrect stuff.
PacRat: due to my saving of useless stuff to invent other useless stuff. I haven't used this one on the internet as yet, it's mainly from friends from the 70's and a place I worked all thru the 80's.

Title: Re: Member names
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 27th, 2008 at 10:04pm

rodent wrote on Jan 27th, 2008 at 7:56pm:
Roadrat is a handle I've used since the 70's, starting with CB radios. Road because I was always on the road on my bike to the tune of 6K miles a year back then. Rat because I rarely throw anything away, I dig through trash, and tend to be nocturnal.

Other variations:
Rodent: I'm called that at work alot and by my son. Others at work are Dog, Squid, Snake, Weasel, HoundDog, Ferret, and Mole.
Recluse: I use that one on some of my art, mainly the political incorrect stuff.
PacRat: due to my saving of useless stuff to invent other useless stuff. I haven't used this one on the internet as yet, it's mainly from friends from the 70's and a place I worked all thru the 80's.

You forgot Sir Rat!

Title: Re: Member names
Post by rodent on Feb 5th, 2008 at 12:12am
Oops, yes, I forgot Sir Rat, a title bestowed one evening during a chat by Birthday Princess. I no longer know what I did to earn that title but that night's chat was one of the better ones we had at FLHC.

Title: Re: Member names
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 5th, 2008 at 8:53am

rodent wrote on Feb 5th, 2008 at 12:12am:
Oops, yes, I forgot Sir Rat, a title bestowed one evening during a chat by Birthday Princess. I no longer know what I did to earn that title but that night's chat was one of the better ones we had at FLHC.

Shoot - I was hoping you could remember!  I can't remember either.  However I am sure it had something to do with your galantry in keeping the droolers and/or lurkers in check during the chat.

Title: Re: Member names
Post by Lisabelle on Feb 5th, 2008 at 10:38am
I thought I started the Sir Rat thing? :-? ::)

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