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Hair Types >> Raven Hair >> Native American Indian long hair

Message started by Jerry on Jan 13th, 2008 at 4:21pm

Title: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Jerry on Jan 13th, 2008 at 4:21pm
I am part Native American Indian so I am aware that there are lots of Native American Indian people in the United States and I have been to a couple of pow-wows and have witnessed it with my own eyes 8-)

But, like any other long hair when it is healthy and taken care of long Native American Indian hair is very beautiful just like long Asian hair.


Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Blondie35 on Jan 13th, 2008 at 9:03pm
I totally agree with you on that note!!!  I love any type of Indian hair!!!  Especially when it's long, black, and healthy!!!!  I have some Indian blood in me but not Native American Indian.  I think it's more like one of the tribes from actually India, Meixco, or South America.  If you saw me you would think I have some Indian blood in me too.  Because, I am very high yellow.  My complexion is more yellow then red like aa full-blooded Indian.  But when you see my facial features you can see that I have a wide face and cheek-bones like an Indian or a Hispanic person.  I really look more Hispanic than anything.  But the state the me and my family come from we will most definately have some Indian or ancestry in us.  I have some Indian ancestry on both my mom and dad's side of the families.  My mom's father's mother was a full-blooded Indian woman, and my grandmother's(my mother's mother) were mostly Creoles, and if you read about the Creole race it tells you that they have a mixture of different Indian races in that culture too.

You see, I even consider myself "Creole."  Creole means that you are a mixture Spanish, French, and Indian. I also have some Irish in me as well from my dad's side but when you see one of his sisters she looks like she mixed with Indian and Spanish.  She looks like a Spainard.


Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 13th, 2008 at 9:37pm
Oh, I looove Native American hair! Long, straight, shiny, black...gorgeous!

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Jerry on Jan 13th, 2008 at 10:15pm
I forgot to mention that I am Crow (aka:  Absarokee) Indian.  My blood mother is full blood Crow and my dad was Scandinavian.


Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by MTBBIO on Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:16am
Well I am Mexican, and mestizo,  which means I am some kind of European (probably Spanish) mixed with some kind of indigenous (Aztec or Mayan or somethiing, there are hundreds of indigenous groups in Mexico).  And my hair WAS straight, black and shiny.  But during my teen years I went crazy with the hair dyeing and blow frying so now my hair is ....brown...ish , not very shiny and wavy.   :'( :'(  But my roots are growing in black and shiny (and hopefully straight!)...I just wish my hair was not so fine but it's always been like that but I used to have a lot of it. :-/  

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Blondie35 on Jan 14th, 2008 at 9:53pm
I also loooooooooove Native American Indian hair too!!!  You are so right Angel Spun......it is always so healthy, shiny, black, and gorgeous!!!!!!

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by brunette85 on Nov 13th, 2008 at 6:34pm
I just want to point out something. Do not be confused with the term Native American and the term Indian. Native American refers to the Native tribes that were here long before English settlers. Native Americans were called "Indians" by English settlers as a way to demean them as less of a person, like the term "Savage."
Indian refers to the people of India. I only know this becuase I had a class in college with a girl from India and that is what they call themselves. Anyway, this has nothing to do with this post. I just thought I'd share. :)

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Isabeau on Nov 13th, 2008 at 6:41pm
My next door neighbor is Native and she has lovley hair! :)

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Jilayne75 on Nov 13th, 2008 at 9:32pm
Hello.  :)
           Not trying to argue here, but I just want to give my two cents. I live in Ontario, right beside a reserve and have learned things like this.
    The term "indian" was not given as a way to purposely demean a peoples and call them  "savage". It was given because when Christopher Colombus accidentally discovered North America, he was on a quest to get to the Orient in search for spices, which were very precious at that time. When he ran into North America, he mistook the new found land for India, and there for called the people native to this land "Indians". Most people now do not use this term where I live and most places, and instead use "aboriginal" or "First Nations".
                                  -Jilayne  :)

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Isabeau on Nov 13th, 2008 at 10:48pm

Jilayne75 wrote on Nov 13th, 2008 at 9:32pm:
Hello.  :)
           Not trying to argue here, but I just want to give my two cents. I live in Ontario, right beside a reserve and have learned things like this.
    The term "indian" was not given as a way to purposely demean a peoples and call them  "savage". It was given because when Christopher Colombus accidentally discovered North America, he was on a quest to get to the Orient in search for spices, which were very precious at that time. When he ran into North America, he mistook the new found land for India, and there for called the people native to this land "Indians". Most people now do not use this term where I live and most places, and instead use "aboriginal" or "First Nations".
                                  -Jilayne  :)

Hey I live in Ontario too! :)  I go to 6 nations Res alot :)

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Skyfire on Nov 14th, 2008 at 2:48pm
My grandmother was an Alaskan Native; this is where I get my nearly-black hair.

A Dr. of Psychology who teaches at my local JC is a Native American, and she's very active in politics for her people.  She calls herself an Indian.

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by brunette85 on Nov 16th, 2008 at 6:05pm
Thanks for clearing the origin of the term Indian. I always thought this becuase that is what I was always told, but I did some research after and I do agree that Christopher Columbus gave them that name. However, like you said he thought they were the people of India, which was my original point. I do not have a problem with Native Americans calling themselves Indians. I just thought I knew my history. Ooops.

I love Native American Hair. I wonder if the Chinese and Japanese and Native Americans share a common gene that gives the lovely black blue color? If I got these wrong I apologize.

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Jilayne75 on Nov 16th, 2008 at 7:00pm
Your welcome, Brunette85. I agree, I do love native american hair AND the chinese and japanese hair. I think the black colour is just SO beautiful. Sometimes I wish I had that colour. *sighs*.  ::)

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Drear on Nov 18th, 2008 at 2:22am
Jilayne75, on hot, humid summer days, I wish I had hair like yours.  I don't know who thought black hair and sun was a good combination. ::)

Title: Re: Native American Indian long hair
Post by Jilayne75 on Nov 18th, 2008 at 9:55pm
haha.  ;D is that true? I know some people who are of asian descent but have never noticed what happens to their hair when it is humid. Different types of hair have their pros and cons though. My hair gets poofy when hot,wet and humid, but also the waves just get more defined and come out looking like my avatar. It's still wavy on normal days, just a little bit toned down.

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