LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> Oh So Fine >> Lotion quesiton.

Message started by Thalia on Jan 1st, 2008 at 5:26pm

Title: Lotion quesiton.
Post by Thalia on Jan 1st, 2008 at 5:26pm

I am wondering about using lotion to control fly-away hair. I have broken hair along my part that sticks up when it gets long enough (I have a 1 year old who loves to yank on my hair  :( ) I used to use clear mascara to control it, with limited success and it felt stiff like I had hairspray in it. I also used lotion but it made my hair greasy. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what kind of lotion would be best for this purpose?



Title: Re: Lotion quesiton.
Post by Curlgirl64 on Jan 2nd, 2008 at 8:28am
Hi!  Instead of a lotion why not try aloe vera gel?  Alittle controls the fly aways and it's all natural.  You can find it in healthy food stores and some drug stores.  As all natural as you can get.  Not the liquid,but the gel.

Title: Re: Lotion quesiton.
Post by Angel Spun on Jan 2nd, 2008 at 5:19pm
If you are intent on using hand lotion, my suggestion would be to use a very small amount of oil-free lotion. Good oil-free brands are Curél, Lubriderm and Keri. If you're looking for something thinner, other brands like Suave and Jergens do make oil-free products, but you have to read the ingredient lists very carefully!

Title: Re: Lotion quesiton.
Post by Thalia on Jan 4th, 2008 at 6:31pm
Thank you ladies! I couldn't find aloe vera gel at the commissary, but I got some Lubriderm and used it in my hair. It worked and didn't make my hair greasy!

Yay! One problem in life solved 8 billion to go!


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