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Bad Hair Day >> HELP! >> My hair is changing on its own!!!

Message started by kristi on Nov 7th, 2007 at 1:12pm

Title: My hair is changing on its own!!!
Post by kristi on Nov 7th, 2007 at 1:12pm
About a year and a half ago I went through a very stressful period of my life and I began to lose my hair.  It thinned out significantly over the course of a month or so.  I have always loved my naturally thick, silky, brown hair so that made me stress out even more.  

Now the hair loss has stopped and it is growing back, but I have noticed over the past six months that new and existing hair is turning almost black, very course, and kinky.  I pull the ones I find because they look so odd.  And strangely enough, they are almost all from the back of my head.  I even stopped using any sort of damaging tools or products on my hair a year ago.

I am 32 and have had blood tests done which tell me everything is in order and I'm healthy.  I do have more grey hair than a lot of my peers.  Is this hair change just another sign of aging??

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!

Title: Re: My hair is changing on its own!!!
Post by mellie on Nov 8th, 2007 at 7:32am
I think sometimes when hair grows back after hair loss, it comes back differently. A colleague of mine used to have very long, super straight hair, and when hers grew back after brain surgery, it came back in tight curls! It stayed that way too, from then on.

It could also be precursors to gray hairs. My gray hairs come in exactly as you describe, corase, wiry, and basically unmanageable. For me what has really helped in making them smooth down and look a little better, is shampooing with soapwort root. It really smoothes my hair out.

Maybe try different shampoos/herbal rinses to make them smoother and more manageable, rather than pulling them out?

Hope this helps! :-)

Title: Re: My hair is changing on its own!!!
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 8th, 2007 at 9:35am
Many things can cause a change in the color, thickness and/or texture of your hair.  Age is the most common, but stress and health are significant causes as well.  It is good that you hair is growing back and the loss was temporary.  I don't have any suggestions on how to handle the new, coarse hair, other than to take good care of all of your hair (and yourself!)  :)

Title: Re: My hair is changing on its own!!!
Post by Angel Spun on Nov 8th, 2007 at 4:06pm
Are you on any sort of hormonal/steroid type of medication? They can affect the texture of your hair as well.

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